#6 - 6 October 2021

#6 - 6 October 2021


Members: Sébastien Bachollet - Avri Doria - Lori Schulman 

ICANN Organization: Xavier Calvez, Samantha Eisner, Bernard Turcotte, Sara Sarraf

Apologies: Fiona Asonga - Jordan Carter - Rafik Dammak - Alice Jansen - Cheryl Langdon-Orr 


1. Welcome
2. Overview of Implementation Status
3. Implementation Design is Complete
4. Community Implementation
5. Resource Estimation
6. Next steps
7. A.O.B

Zoom recording: EN (disclaimer: the first portion of the recording is missing)

Documents: Slides

Decisions Reached: /

Action Items:  

  • ICANN org to provide list of recommendations ICANN org ows, or co-owns with community, that require community input to start, including status of the requests (if any).