CCWG on IG Teleconference - 2017.02.02 - Adobe Chat

CCWG on IG Teleconference - 2017.02.02 - Adobe Chat

Desiree Cabrera: Today's agenda is also located at: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CPMMB/pages/110789812/CCWG+on+IG+Teleconference+-+2017.02.02

judith hellerstein: thanks

judith hellerstein: Do we know if we are going to have another meeting in February

judith hellerstein: i have asked since if we do there was a request if possible to include this ccwg-IG in the at large cpationing pilot

Tatiana Tropina: Hi all 

judith hellerstein: Great Ok I will let them know and include it on our request list and hope we can cover it

judith hellerstein: Welcome nigel

Michael Oghia: Hi Tanya! Sorry I'm late everyone

judith hellerstein: HI Mike, can you mute your phone

Michael Oghia: Thanks Judy, I forgot that it isn't automatic with Adobe

Jim Prendergast: no objection

Rafik: yes 

Nigel Hickson: Good afternoon - on Call; sorry late 

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: Thanks @Nigel. We haev swapped the items 3 & 4 over

Nigel Hickson: Sorry; did I miss "Report"  

judith hellerstein: no we swaped out the sections

Nigel Hickson: all my chat went....

judith hellerstein: hope geneva is going well. 

Nigel Hickson: We can find dates! 

Nigel Hickson: Desiree - have had all audio cut off...

judith hellerstein: audio still works for me

judith hellerstein: try dialing in again

Desiree Cabrera: Sorry Nigel, had you muted since you were beeping

Desiree Cabrera: You're back on now.

Nigel Hickson: am diallibg back in 

Young-eum Lee: week sounds good

judith hellerstein: can you post the link?

judith hellerstein: Oh found it

Glenn McKnight: is this event chart available to download

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond 2: @Glann: linkedon the agenda page

judith hellerstein: yes it is on the agenda for the call

renata aquino: hi

Desiree Cabrera: It's also available on the CCWG-IG homepage

Jim Prendergast: would that chart include activity of board members attending these various meetings?  If I recall that was the purpose of the Board WG - to coordinate that type of activity.

judith hellerstein: I can tell you about the global connect conference

Jim Prendergast: the chart Im referring to - is the ICANN version with their engagement

renata aquino: internet freedom festival and rightscon are not un but relevant

Glenn McKnight: I think  a  better  method for  calendar is better

Glenn McKnight: Also  People Centred Internet  projects

Glenn McKnight: Diplo has also has a calendar of events too

Jim Prendergast: Goran is speaking at Rightcon

renata aquino: will do

judith hellerstein: but they are development and not icann ones

judith hellerstein: same thing with global connect

judith hellerstein: global connect is more icann related than people centered internet

Jim Prendergast: ICANN is sponsoring it too

judith hellerstein: icann is sponsoring rights conn?

judith hellerstein: or global connect?

judith hellerstein: i agree with olivier

judith hellerstein: Such as the ITRs, CWG-internet, wsis 

Glenn McKnight: I seems  some of our suggestions  are  various  resources that could  be valuable as a whole.  ie.  IEEE Internet Initiative 

renata aquino: i'll just say that i referred to non united nations related stuff - non un but also relevant 

judith hellerstein: CWG-Internet is a closed meeting only open to memberstates on the ITU Council

Nigel Hickson: Yes; we can take it from here; excellent input! 

Glenn McKnight: Perhaps a page of  resources so people add

judith hellerstein: @glenn the IEEE is that is the global connect initiative

Glenn McKnight: no

Glenn McKnight: its not

Glenn McKnight: Its  colloboratec

judith hellerstein: Michael Oghia has done excellent one for the DC3

Glenn McKnight: IEEE is much more diverse  than one group

Glenn McKnight: i sent a link to Olivier

judith hellerstein: I am on the US Delegation for the CWG-Internet and would happyt to give a report at the next meeting

Glenn McKnight: More reason to have a resource page 

judith hellerstein: Can we have the agenda page back?

judith hellerstein: thanks

Glenn McKnight: that is right

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond 2: ICANN FInal COmment: http://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/index.php?q=filedepot_download/4146/477

Renata: yes, it's confirmed 1-3

judith hellerstein: Also ICANN put in a comment on the CWG Open internet consultation which is happening tomorrow

judith hellerstein: that is not on this agenda

Renata: there is a survey on new formats for the igf

judith hellerstein: a survey? can you post the link?

Renata: 1 sec

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond 2: please reload the agenda now -- I have fixed the broken link to the ICANN comment

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond 2: http://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/index.php?q=filedepot_download/4146/477

Renata: http://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/igf-2016-new-session-formats-feedback-form

Renata: it should be 1-3march

Renata: the call will go out during consultations i believe

Renata: thanks

judith hellerstein: is the list of mag members announced yet officially?

Renata: not yet

judith hellerstein: yes was going to ask the same question?

Renata: i'm also in a bit a of shock here on this idea

judith hellerstein: There is also a number of contributions on the itu website but they are locked and only open to ties members

Young-eum Lee: This is an issue that we need to keep ICANN cc community aware and maintain communications with their respective governments

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond 2: @Judith --- yes, not possible to share contributions that are locked behind a wall

judith hellerstein: I have them and can ask the person on wcit leaks whether he plans on leaking any

Renata: 20FEB

Renata: for workshops to wsis 20feb

Renata: and also suggest speakers to TEDxGeneva

judith hellerstein: what about auction proceeds?

judith hellerstein: WSIS website says it is feb 20

Renata: Nigel for TED speaker!

Renata: yes, feb20

judith hellerstein: works for me

Renata: which dates again?

judith hellerstein: when is the icann intercessional?

Young-eum Lee: works for me mostly also

judith hellerstein: works for me

Young-eum Lee: Agree with Nigel for Ted

Renata: me too

Renata: only 16 is not so good

Young-eum Lee: Thanks everyone

Renata: thanks

Nigel Hickson: thanks all