I thought I would send this quick update to everyone first as the IDN Liaison:
1. Tina Dam, the IDN Project Manager has left ICANN. Through information from staff provided at the JIG working group, we understand that Naela Sarras, who has been with the IANA team, will be overseeing the IDN ccTLD Fast Track. For other parts of the IDN Project, it seems there hasn't been a clear direction yet.
2. Somewhat related to 1. we have asked staff, through our chair to include an ALAC representative on the ongoing ICANN IDN guidelines review process. We have not yet heard back yet (perhaps due to 1. above).
3. Update JIG working group
- public comment period for draft final report on single character IDN TLDs complete
- currently working on a summary of the comments received and will work on a final report to be submitted to the respective councils (ccNSO and GNSO)
- continuing discussion on and working to publish an initial report for IDN Variant management
4. Update on IRD working group
- public comment period for interim report to end March 14, 2011
- currently working to do more outreach to relevant constituencies
- outreach also to the ALAC and GAC planned
5. Update on IDN ccPDP: no further update since Cartagena.