Latin Meeting 2011-08-25
IDN Variant Project — Latin Case Study Team (2011-08-25)
Time |
2011-08-25, 1600 UTC |
Telephone |
Code 322282, Dialing numbers |
Online |
Draft Agenda
- Roll call
- Review of action items
- SoI recap
- Review the High level issues for IDN variant TLDs document
- Discuss a timeline for producing an initial draft and editing it ready for 30 September
- Discuss whether the issues being identified are of sufficient weight to require solutions to be developed
- Table of legal latin characters under IDNA -vs- supplied table and rationale for exclusions
- Next meeting
Jothan Frakes, Harald Alvestrand, Cary Karp, Francisco Arias (until 16:30 UTC), Leo Vegoda
Apologies: Will Shorter, Giovanni Seppia
Previous Action Items
Ref |
Action |
Due Date |
Status |
1.4 |
All team members to read the draft questions, and identify (a) something you can provide an answer so. (if, please answer); (b) something you think is good but should have an answer; (c) missing and should be added or considered; (d) should be removed or identified as out of scope, irrelevant, or not applicable in Latin. |
2011-07-19 |
1.5 |
Kim Davies and Jothan Frakes to develop a draft workplan for review at the first telephone meeting |
2011-07-15 |
Ongoing |
2.1 |
Kim Davies to update the VIP wiki with the Statements of Interests |
2011-07-15 |
Done |
2.2 |
Kim Davies to send materials |
2011-07-15 |
Done |
- Jothan will send a revised SOI detailing his new job
- Francisco introduced the issues outline document he provided earlier in the week and Jothan proposed that the work Cary and others have done should be incorporated into the outline issues document as that should help meet the deadline and harmonise with the work being done by the other teams. It is also proposed as a good format for helping people understand why the conclusions have been reached. Cary agreed to this in principle but wants to document also provided as-is as well so that glyphs are not corrupted due to font issues.
- There was a discussion of which tables to include in the document. Cary proposed a descriptive collation of code points based on what is actually used rather than a proscriptive code point listings. The discussion also covered whether some ligatures were potentially visuually confusing and Cary noted that the similarity is not an issue for users of those characters as they don't use similar characters in a single language. The confusion is limited to people who don't use those characters in their language. Jothan wanted to take account of user experience outside those groups as well as within them but this can be mitigated by not mixing scripts in DNS labels. Harald pointed out that two strings can be confusable without being variants of each other.
- Cary provided a reference for orthographic diacritics and asked Leo to have Nicholas comment on how the reference is regarded in the professional linguistic community.
- Jothan proposed having Cary's document integrated in to the structure document in two week's time, with a review from 15-30 September with the final version being provided on 30 September, noting that Cary is not available between 20-29 September.
- Jothan proposed an overlap call with the Cyrillic team but will send it out as a suggestion to the list as there were so few participants on the call.
New and Continuing Action Items
Ref |
Action |
Due Date |
1.5 |
Kim Davies and Jothan Frakes to develop a draft workplan for review at the first telephone meeting |
2011-07-15 |
3.1 |
Leo Vegoda/Kim Davies to update future meetings on the status of the other work teams. |
2011-08-25 |
3.2 |
All to provide feedback on whether they want to have an intersessional face-to-face meeting |
2011-08-12 |
3.3 |
Jothan Frakes to consult with Cyrillic team leadership on proposed agenda and timing of a joint meeting. |
2011-08-18 |
3.4 |
Jothan Frakes to ask list members to volunteer for writing assignments. |
4.1 |
Leo Vegoda to ask Nicholas to review this reference provided by Cary |
2011-08-25 |
In progress |
4.2 |
Jothan Frakes to ask Will Shorter to supply full Latin table and ask Cary to explain omissions and logic/basis for narrowing |
2011-08-25 |
In progress |
Next Meeting
Thursday, 8 September 2011: 1600 UTC, 9am US Pacific, 12pm US Eastern, 6pm Central Europe.