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 Mario Aleman:Welcome to the EURALO Monthly Teleconference on Tuesday, 28 February 2017 at 19:00 UTC

  Mario Aleman:Agenda:

  Mirjana Tasic Plug-in:Hello everybody

  Wale Bakare:Hi all

  Mario Aleman:Hi Wale and Mirjana, Welcome

  Silvia Vivanco:Welcome all

  Wale Bakare:Thanks Mario

  Wolf Ludwig:Who is "1638"?

  Christoph Bruch:christop is alsp here:)

  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:unsync the agenda please

  1638:Annette is today 1638 :-)

  Wolf Ludwig:Welcome under cover ;-)


  Mario Aleman:thanks for confirming Annette!

  Silvia Vivanco:- Atributions for EURALO Board members - Suggestion from JJ Subrenant noted

  Silvia Vivanco:Action Items of Jan call :

  Wale Bakare:Thank you Olivier, and members of EURALO

  Silvia Vivanco:

  Mario Aleman:EURALO Extraordinary Selection

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Warm congratulations to Olawale Bakare, new member of the EURALO Board! We on the Board of the Individual users' association are glad to see our vice-chair in this new position.

  Silvia Vivanco:Welcome Bastiaan!

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Congrtulations Bastiaan!

  Wale Bakare:Thank you so much, JJS

  Silvia Vivanco:Bastiaan's SOI with his picture :

  1638:yes, Bastiaan, we hear you well.... and congrats again. Best, Annette

  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:PDP = Policy Development Process -- a working group of the Generic Names Supporting Organisation (GNSO)

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Bastiaan: so a very wide scope. Best wishes!

  Bastiaan Goslings:Thank you very much, CW - very wise and kind words ;-)

  roberto gaetano:bastiaan, any help on the history, you can count on me

  Wale Bakare:Congratulations Bastiaan! Best wishes

  Bastiaan Goslings:And thank you too, Jean Jacques - much appreciated

  Bastiaan Goslings:Thanks Roberto, Wale!

  Evin Erdogdu:EURALO Extraordinary Selection of ALAC Member 2017 Workspace:  

  roberto gaetano:panta rei

  Evin Erdogdu:At-Large Board Member Selection Workspace - 2017:  

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Olivier, I always say "Seat 15", and that avoids any misunderstanding.

  Silvia Vivanco:At-Large Board Member Selection Workspace - 2017  wiki page:

  Evin Erdogdu:Policy Advice page on New At-Large website:  

  Evin Erdogdu:Policy Advice Development page:  

  Evin Erdogdu:ICANN Public Comment page:  

  Evin Erdogdu:At-Large Review: Draft Report:  

  Evin Erdogdu:ALAC Response to CCWG-Accountability Work Stream 2 SO/AC Accountability Subgroup:

  Evin Erdogdu:Reference Japanese Label Generation Rules (LGR) for the Second Level:  

  Evin Erdogdu:GNSO Initial Report on the IGO-INGO Access to Curative Rights Protection Mechanisms Policy Development Process:  

  Evin Erdogdu:Recommendations to Improve ICANN’s Transparency:  

  Silvia Vivanco:Documents are posted and linked to the Agenda

  Wolf Ludwig:Links to respective topics are listed in this chat as well, Christopher!

  Bastiaan Goslings:Evin posted that link in the chat, right?

  Evin Erdogdu:Yes :)

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Christopher: even when there is a comment by an ICANN body, such as ALAC, generally individual comments are welcome as well.

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:(there seems to be some extraneous audio: could Staff identify?

  CW:Thankyou, Olivier. First time I ever got to the bottom of the 'oage'.

  Glenn McKnight:Olivier  we have to do the monthly report for Outreach and Engagement.

  Glenn McKnight:

  Glenn McKnight:Sorry the above is the  NARALO Booklet  that we produced for the  NARALO GA

  Glenn McKnight:The link above should be

  Glenn McKnight:

  Christoph Bruch:sorry I had my microphone muted while talking

  Glenn McKnight:Also  update on the ATLARGE  Magazine for  Copenhagen

  Glenn McKnight:

  Glenn McKnight:You can download the magazine

  Glenn McKnight:I included the EURALO and NCUC  event and the special Blockchain seminar

  Glenn McKnight:Folks  I am also sharing our  MEET  ARIN  Orientation session  for March 22nd.  Our  GA is cohosted with ARIN- NA  RIR

  Glenn McKnight:

  Wolf Ludwig:Can you ask Christoph for his question again, Olivier???

  Evin Erdogdu:ICANN58 Copenhagen EURALO Meeting and activities:  

  Glenn McKnight:@olvier  we can't avoid the  criticism

  Mario Aleman:

  Silvia Vivanco:ICANN Information booth sign up sheet:

  Silvia Vivanco:EURALO flyer will be in French, Russian, English

  Silvia Vivanco:we will have business cards

  Silvia Vivanco:Wednesday 15 March from 12:30-13:30: End Users in ICANN: A topical discussion with At-Large

  Silvia Vivanco:Hot topics:

  Mario Aleman:Remote Participation

  1638:which page, Olivier?

  Silvia Vivanco:NCUC Euralo Outreach Event  11 March, 15:00-18:00 "What can you change at ICANN?"

  Silvia Vivanco:General Assembly Agenda is posted :

  CW:musically talented

  Bastiaan Goslings:Guitar!

  Bastiaan Goslings:haha

  1638:music with remote participation? :-)

  Andrei Kolesnikov: GEMS - global equal multistakeholder band :)

  roberto gaetano:@1638 why not?

  1638:great, roberto!

  CW:All Times in ICANN58 are in local CET (not UTC), Correct?

  Evin Erdogdu:EURALO By-Laws Task Force:  

  Glenn McKnight:Don't  forget to  distribute the magazine and the  EVIT for the  event

  Glenn McKnight:Don't  forget to  distribute the magazine and the  EVITE for the  event

  Silvia Vivanco:That is correct Olivier all the Agendas will be linked and a reminder will be sent closer to the Agenda with a reminder and Agenda

  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:@Glenn-- thanks for the reminder

  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:Silvia has received he Evite & will send it out

  1638:10 years celebration of EURALO and other RALOs!

  Silvia Vivanco:Task Force on review and revision of the EURALO By-Laws:

  Evin Erdogdu:Update Task Force on ALSes Engagement:

  Evin Erdogdu:EURALO ALS Expertise Table:  

  Glenn McKnight:please calll me at  my home number 905 434 6655

  Glenn McKnight:damn the Adobe is really acting up

  Gisella Gruber:@ Glenn - dialling out to you

  Glenn McKnight:ok

  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:we'll come to Glenn after Yrjö

  Glenn McKnight:thanks

  Silvia Vivanco:

  Glenn McKnight:on adigo now

  Silvia Vivanco:Mario is going to show the table

  Silvia Vivanco:The topics are 33 Topics taken from the At-Large Website

  Silvia Vivanco:Table is  posted on the ALS TaskForce

  1638:thank you, Yrjö.

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:If his mic problem persists, shall I fill in?

  Glenn McKnight:Did you do a google  survey form for this culling of information

  CW:Could we have the save version of these files. (a) detail not legible excet in Full Screen. (b) too much information in a short time. I rely on reeviewing saved file, later. CW

  Yrjö Länsipuro:@Glenn: we sent e-mails to all ALS's and compiled the table from the answers

  Wale Bakare:My apologies. Let me first say thank you @ Yrjo for this expertise table

  Silvia Vivanco:CW the TaskForce wiki page includes the Table :

  Wale Bakare:If you need further assistance Yrjo on the table, i am ready to provide support.

  Yrjö Länsipuro:Thank you, Wale!

  Wale Bakare:Thanks, JJS to come to my rescue

  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you very much Wale!

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@'Wale, you're welcome!  ;-)

  Bastiaan Goslings:Link to At Large magazine CPH is not working?

  Yrjö Länsipuro:OK

  Glenn McKnight:let me check

  Evin Erdogdu:At-Large Review:  

  roberto gaetano:the most important thing is to understand that ALAC and NCUC are partners, not competitors

  Evin Erdogdu:At-Large Workspace: ALAC Response to the At-Large Review Draft Report:  

  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:

  Silvia Vivanco:Thanks Olivier, you were faster!

  Glenn McKnight:Lucid site is acting up.  one sec i will send the pdf to Olivier to distribute

  Glenn McKnight:I sent the docs to  Olivier to distribute

  Bastiaan Goslings:thanks

  Bastiaan Goslings:I'm ok with dropping the cropp

  Bastiaan Goslings:;-)

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:copp not ripe yet...  ;-)

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Olivier: sure, I'll do that on the EURALO list.

  1638:Thank you all, best, Annette

  Evin Erdogdu:Thank you all! Thank you Olivier!

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Thanks Olivier and All!

  Bastiaan Goslings:thanks all, it has been a long day

  Glenn McKnight:thanks

  Glenn McKnight:bye

  Bastiaan Goslings:ciao!

  Mirjana Tasic Plug-in:Bye all

  Matthieu Camus:thank you, bye!

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