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 Stephanie Perrin


 Tatiana Tropina


Name: Tatiana Tropina
Region: Europe
Gender: Female
Employment: Senior Researcher, Max-Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Freiburg, Germany
Conflict of interest: None

Reasons for willingness to take on the tasks of the particular position:

The ultimate reason for my involvement at ICANN is that I want Noncommercial stakeholders to have a strong voice and a strong representation in the ICANN community as a whole and in the GNSO policy-making processes in particular. As a serving GNSO Councillor, who is eligible for the second term, I can say that I put my best effort to ensure that our - NCSG - voice is heard, that we are not only there cast our votes on the Council, but also always to deliberate, to advocate,  to convince and, when necessary, to collaborate. GNSO Councillors elected by the NCSG serve to bring non-commercial values to the ICANN policy-making outcomes. I believe that in the last years NCSG made further progress to get those values taken into account, "standing on the shoulders” of those veterans who fought for them since the inception of ICANN. I hope I provided my contribution to this progress as a serving Council member, and I am willing to do this for another term.

I would also continue putting my efforts to ensure broader participation of NCSG membership in policy-making processes, via policy committee meetings, public comments and capacity building. In addition to the policy work, I have been actively involved in capacity building efforts at the ICANN meetings and other venues by participating in outreach activities of NCSG and NCUC, which targeted both newcomers and seasoned members and informed them about the on-going policy work.
When I ran for my first GNSO term, I also aimed to ensure that NSCG will further strengthen collaboration with other stakeholder groups, when necessary, and contribute into building alliances, and I am still willing to work hard on this - together with my fellow councillors I indeed contributed to this collaboration with regard to various policy-making processes, and I am going to continue doing so when it serves the interests of NCSG.

To sum up, I have put my best efforts into, and - if elected - I will continue doing the following:
-        making NCSG always vocal, visible at present at the Council, in Council deliberations and work on drafting Council documents,
-        getting NCSG membership engaged in the policy processes and building capacity to do so,
-        collaborating and communicating with other stakeholder groups when it serves the best interests of NCSG while upholding our positions and values.

Qualifications for the position:

Many of you know about my career path and my activities from different fora than ICANN: in the last 10 years, I have been focussing on policy-making and capacity building: in cybersecurity at my main work and in the broader internet governance context in general. My journey at ICANN started in 2015, when I joined NCUC and contributed to the work of CCWG-accountability during and after the transition, then became a member of the NCSG policy committee, later - was elected as a European representative on the NCUC EC in 2016 and - ultimately - was elected for my first term on the GNSO Council in 2017. In all of those roles, I have been trying to contribute as much as I could and represent non-commercial interests at ICANN in the best possible way. Those who follow closely the work of GNSO or NCSG policy committee know that I have always been "in the thick" of policy making, fully involved in Council discussions and deliberations and in channelling the input from NCSG membership to the GNSO Council level. Furthermore, in addition to my work on GNSO Council I am serving as an alternate on EPDP team and — since very recently - got involved in the GNSO bylaws drafting team as NCSG representative. 

With all this work that has been already done, I believe I am fully qualified to continue serving on the Council for another term if NCSG membership still puts faith in me and elects me. When I ran for my first term, I promised to be vocal, be present, and be ready to put as much of my volunteer time and expertise in the policy-making on the GNSO level as needed. I did live up to those promises - I am indeed a very vocal GNSO Council member and I do my best to advance non-commercial interests there and to participate in coordination with the NCSG Policy committee to represent us even better. 

Statement of availability for the time the position requires:

As someone who is already serving her first term on the GNSO Council, I know that it requires time commitment and dedication. My track record of attending GNSO meetings — I guess my record should say I attended all of them during my term, at least I don’t remember missing one -- and my active participation speaks for itself. Furthermore, I have been active in other, between-the-meetings, Council activities, like drafting Council responses to GAC communique and shaping other documents, small group deliberations, strategy discussions, and also in NCSG policy committee meetings. Of course, the time required to attend the meetings is just the tip of the iceberg. There is a time commitment for preparation, coordination, NCSG policy committee work, there is a non-stop ongoing work between the calls and meetings. I am still ready to put my time and effort and fully commit to this work, as I already have proven to do. 

I am happy to answer your questions here on the list or on the "meet the candidates" call. 

Good luck to all the candidates!

Warm regards,

 Ayden Fèrdeline


 Farell Folly


  • Name, declared region of residence, gender and employment 

Farell FOLLY | Africa | Male | -  Computer Security  (Cybersecurity) researcher at the Bundeswehr University of Munich, Germany.

  • Any conflict of Interest


  • Reasons for willingness to take on the tasks of the particular position

After more than seven years of experience within ICANN, I now want to put my contribution at an outstanding level. My first ambition is to increase the technical skills present at the GNSO Council, especially regarding security-relevant aspects and decisions. I am confident that my knowledge of the DNS security could be of great value during liaisons between the SSAC or RSSAC. Indeed, having a better overview of the technical requirements and their feasibility renders decision-making process easier and more efficient, and lead to technically enforceable policy. 

Secondly, I am a very tolerant person with good communication skills. I think that this very important at the level of the GNSO Council where consensus and many decision-making processes are routines. Last but not least, as somebody with the “Ubuntu” philosophy, I am always willing to help, defend weak peoples and advocate for the interest of the people who couldn’t. This is particularly true for non-commercial users of the Internet that are important actors but with very limited means to be aware and even express themselves.

  • Qualification for the Position

In addition to my experiences with ICANN and broadly with the Internet Ecosystem, I am proud to have also served as an NCSG Policy member representing the NCUC. Not only is this a proof of recognition of the NCUC for my contribution within the community, but it also demonstrates my willingness to help and contribute to Policy related issues. I have a strong professional background in IT and Internet Security with many years of experiences in policy development. I have a deep knowledge of the technical aspects of the DNS (working with Whois since 2007). 

  • My experiences cover: 

chairing working groups at International levels (for instance when I was an Army Captain, I had served as the Technical Director of a US Army Sponsored Program for IT and communications in Stuttgart, in  Germany from 2010 to 2013), having been an executive of a national institution (ICT Governance Agency), and an IT Security manager at the United Nations, just to name a few. Currently, I am a security researcher working a project dealing with trustworthy systems and my Ph.D. focuses on the security of the Internet of Things.

  • Statement of availability for the position requires

As an active member of the NCSG Policy Committee, I already volunteer between 10-20 hours per week to ICANN and use to participate as an observer to GNSO Council meetings. In case I am appointed to the GNSO Council, nothing will change regarding my commitment. I will just change from the status of an observer to an active member and could even increase my commitment whenever the need be. Moreover, let me inform you that my current employer allowed me to physically attend all ICANN public meetings and agreed to set me available whenever my presence or contribution is required.

  • Optionally any other information that the candidate believes is relevant

Apart from being an active IT security engineer and a researcher in IoT Security, my various experiences and positions outside and within the ICANN community (NCSG, GNSO) demonstrate that I have many times been involved in governance, policy development, security, and other technical aspects. Last year, for instance, within the context of my Ph.D. research, I published an IoT security paper in the IEEE journal. Earlier in the past, I made many contributions to AFRINIC (the African Regional Registry), the Internet Governance Forum, and the International Telecommunications Union. Actually, Many events across Africa and Europe welcomed me a couple of times as a speaker. To name a few, I participated in the Africa Internet Summit in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 as a speaker on different topics related to the use of the Internet and the DNS; and In October 2018, I was invited in Copenhague to give a talk on IoT Security during the Danish Internet Day.

For the rest, let’s discuss during the candidates Meeting.

Thank you for considering my candidacy, and I truly hope that the knowledge, experience, and desire to contribute which I bring to the NCSG will be considered useful.


Best Regards


(Ekue) Farell FOLLY
NCUC Rep. to the NCSG Policy Committee [] 

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