Joint ALAC GNSO WG and At-Large Workspace on RAA Related

Welcome to the Joint ALAC/GNSO RAA Drafting Team


In 2009, the GNSO Council embarked on a collaborative process with the At Large Advisory Committee regarding the Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA).    As part of this process, a joint GNSO/ALAC drafting team was formed (known as the RAA Drafting Team) to conduct further work related to proposals for improvements to the RAA. The RAA Drafting Team reviewed proposals from the law enforcement community, the Intellectual Property Constituency, as well as other stakeholders, seeking to enhance the RAA.

The RAA Drafting Team has concluded its work with the publication of its Final Report to the GNSO Council.  The Report includes a proposal for a form of a Registrant Rights and Responsibilities Charter, to assist registrants in understanding their rights and obligations pertaining  to domain names. The Report also identifies potential topics for additional amendments to the RAA, as well as a proposal for next steps for the GNSO Council to consider in determining whether to recommend a new form of RAA.   

Recent Developments

The GNSO Council approved the form of the Registrant Rights and Responsibilities  Charter, and recommended that ICANN begin consultations with Registrars to finalize the Registrant Rights and Responsibilities Charter for posting on a Registrar’s website.  The Registrant Rights and Responsibilities Charter, when posted, will serve as an easy reference by registrants seeking to understand their domain related rights and responsibilities.  

The GNSO Council is to vote on the next steps for producing a new form of RAA, based upon the recommendations in the Final Report.

The law enforcement RAA recommendations were explored inconnection with the GAC consultations with the ICANN Board.   Some of these recommendations have been incorporated into the new gTLD Program where appropriate.

More Information

Previous collaborative effort wiki found at alac-gnso ws1

Current design team wiki at alac-gnso-raa-dt

At-Large Meetings

Working Group Members

Working Group A - Registrant Rights Charter

Working Group B - RAA Additional Amendments


You can join the mailing list of the At-Large Registrant Registrar Relations working group here: