PPSC - Home
The Policy Process Steering Committee (PPSC) is responsible for reviewing and recommending processes used within the GNSO for developing policy and recommending any changes. The PPSC established two separate teams, one tasked with developing a proposal for a new WG model (WG-WT Home) and the other a new policy development process (PDP-WT Home). This is the workspace of the Steering Committee where you can find further information about its activities. For further information, please contact ICANN Policy Staff (policy-staff@icann.org).
Following the adoption of the resolution 20110428-2 by the GNSO Council at its meeting on 28 April 2011 (see http://gnso.icann.org/resolutions/#201104), the PPSC was terminated. The only active Work Team remains the Policy Development Process Work Team PDP-WT Home.
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