
The table and text below contains several links to GNSO Council resources:

These documents are stored on the GNSO website and are only referenced via the Wiki.

GNSO Basics:

As part of "Phase 2" of the updated website, ICANN staff has developed a set of introductory material “modules” designed to serve as a standing resource for GNSO Council and community members on a variety of introductory "basic" topics such as GNSO Working Group formation and operations, PDP procedures, communications tools and guides for new Councilors and Working Group Chairs.

PDF format copies of the modules are arrayed in the attachment links set forth below. 

Links in the documents will be activated when posted on the web site.

The materials will find a home on the Basics tab of the GNSO web site and are scheduled to be posted on the site by the end of March 2013.

On the horizon, Staff envisions developing other materials for the GNSO Basics page on particular topics like a "DNS 101 Guide".

We welcome suggestions about additional topics and subjects that would be of value as either a refresher or introduction to a particular matter for interested community members.  Please share your ideas in the Comments section below.

Basics Module Links:

GNSO Basics Module 1 - Role of GNSO Council Mmbr (Mar2013).pdf

GNSO Basics Module 2a - WG-Operations (Mar2013).pdf

GNSO Basics Module 2b - WG-Formation & Chartering (Mar2013).pdf

GNSO Basics Module 2c - WG Chairs' Guide (Mar2013).pdf

GNSO Basics Module 3 - GNSO PDP (Mar2013).pdf

GNSO Basics Module 4 - GNSO Comms Tools (Mar2013).pdf