Constituency & Stakeholder Group Ops Work Team Task 1 Subtask 3
Subtask 3: Develop recommendations for creating and maintaining a database of all constituency members and others not formally a part of any constituency that is up-to-date and publicly accessible.
Note: When the BGC made its initial recommendations, the concept of Stakeholder Groups (SGs) as part of the GNSO Council structure had not yet been introduced. Since then SGs have become an essential element of the Council along with constituencies in the Non-contracted Party House. In its work on this recommendation, the OSC CSG WT included SGs along with constituencies as applicable.| Action Items | Recommendations |
1. Recommendations for database architecture and alternatives. |
Members (Krista Papac--RrSG and Tony Harris--ISPCPC) of the OSC CSG WT subtask 3 group discussed the idea of creating and maintaining a database of all stakeholder group and constituency members and others not formally a part of any stakeholder group and constituency that is up-to-date and publicly accessible with those constituencies in existence at the time of our conversation: ISPCPC (Tony Holmes), CBUC (Philip Shephard), IPC (J.Scott Evans and Kristina Rosette), RySG (Chuck Gomes), RrSG (Mason Cole) and NCSG (Robin Gross).All those we spoke with felt the database was a good idea and would be useful in the ICANN community. The major concern expressed was with maintaining an adequate amount of privacy for members. The ICANN community spans the globe and privacy laws and concerns vary considerably. Therefore the database must allow members to control the amount of private data they provide and that can be viewed by others. |
2. Recommendations for current methods to store and update membership records. |
Membership systems of GNSO Groups must ensure appropriate privacy measures for those individuals and organizations that are members. |
3. Recommendations to create a “GNSO-discussion list” where participants from constituencies, working groups, and other GNSO processes have posting rights and emails are publicly posted. |
The system should include a discussion list, however a generic “GNSO-discussion list” is not recommended as it has been tried in the past and was abused to the extent that most members of the ICANN community discontinued their use of it. |
4. Coordinate with OSC Communications Work Team efforts to improve communications between ICANN structures via ICANN websites and other methods. |
We had initial idea-sharing discussions with the Chair, Mason Cole, of the OSC Communications Work Team regarding our recommendations. His feedback was the suggestions sounded plausible. |