Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) to coordinate 1 Breakfast Tweet Up at beginning of ICANN66 - extend to ATLAS III participants - Tuesday morning.
The new Chair of the SMWG after the AGM (date to be set) when new leadership is usually handled. John Laprise/ Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)to send out a call for interest over the email list. First seeking a Vice-Chair, then to transition into the full role of Chair after the AGM (Ejikeme recommended having a Vice-Chair, someone to mentor before the transition).
Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) to reach out to Ajay Data regarding potential booth during ICANN66 (follow up with Glenn McKnight first - Glenn is offering a table during lunch at NASIG for Ajay or the North American Ambassors, same as what Don did in Kobe). The ICANN booth will be available for At-Large outreach during ICANN66 (coffee/lunch)