The following positions require a suitable Regional Leader to be appointed to serve in the 2018-2019 AFRALO Leadership Positions

1. An ALAC Representative for 2 year term ending at the 2020 AGM.

2. An AFRALO Secretary to serve a 2 year term ending at the 2020 AGM.

3. An ALAC Delegate to the NomCom from Africa for a 1 year term ending at the 2019 AGM.


Role Previously Held By


Nominated By / Supported By

Date Accepted


Nominee Statement


Term to Serve

ALAC Member (RALO)

Tijani Ben Jemaa

(Eligible for re-appointment)

2018 AGM to 2020 AGM
AFRALO Secretary

Sarah Kiden

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Sarah KidenDaniel Nanghaka

2018 AGM to 2020 AGM

Selection Timetable for elected AFRALO Position*

See  AFRALO Operating Principles for relevant rules on AFRALO positions.

ALAC Voting Delegates to the NomCom for 2018-2019

ICANN's Nominating Committee asked the At-Large Advisory Committee to submit a list with ALAC delegates from each of ICANN's five geographic regions. Voting members of the NomCom are appointed for a one year term, starting after the close of the Annual General Meeting 2018 and ending at the close of the Annual General Meeting 2019, and may be re-appointed for a further term of one year subject to the requirement under the ICANN Bylaws

Role Previously Held By


Nominated by / Supported By

Date Accepted

Nominee's Statement

Regional Candidate(s) Recommended to the ALAC

ALAC Appointed Delegates to the NomCom

Aziz Hilali 

(Eligible for re-appointment)