Who are the people that can be part of At Large? This is a question we hear often and are always happy to answer given the unique nature of the At Large community within ICANN. 

In general, if you are a person that cares about how the Internet affects end users, then At Large is the place for you. Specifically, if you are end users, Internet societies, academia and consumer ICT groups that care about Internet Governance issues, you can come to At Large.


At Large gives a voice to the masses on discussions ranging from privacy (WHOIS), security (DNSSEC), e-commerce, human rights and the IANA Transition to name a few. Through its working groups and sub committees, At Large gives end users the chance to


You can become a member of this vibrant community that helps shape the internet's future with opportunities to collaborate regularly online through virtual working group and sub committee meetings.  Face to face  meetings are convened three times a year across the five regions of Africa,Europe, Latin America and Caribbean, Asia and Australasia and North America. 

Civil Society

There are lots of opportunities within the At Large for the Civil Society and more information can be found here.


At Large welcomes students studying Internet Governance issues and those teaching it. Of recent is an Outreach activity to a University in Marrakech in which students were also invited into the ICANN meeting in Marrakech with designated mentors to attend various sessions on Policy and Policy Advice. The At Large community also boasts of various At Large Structures (ALSes) in academia some of which can be found here. ICANN also offers opportunities to those in academia through the NextGen program, where students are funded to attend ICANN Face to Face meetings. 

Consumer/End User ICT groups

End User ICT Groups such as ICT Associations, ISOC Chapters and Consumer groups play a big role in At large with a high number of our At Large Structures made up of these groups. At Large is a voice for end users and who better to make these voices heard than from the grassroots. Thus the pertinent need for such groups within At Large in line with what the Multistakeholder Model is all about. 

Individuals that care about Internet Governance issues

If you are a person that follows, cares and is enthusiastic about Internet Governance issues such as and not limited to:

then your place is within the At Large Community. At Large welcomes both individual and groups in its midst and is the one committee within ICANN that embraces all sectors regardless of professional affiliation and or interests. If you use the internet, you are an END USER and thus eligible to be an At Large member. Join the diversified world of At Large !!!!