Monday, 22 December 2014 Teleconference
Time: 20:00 - 21:00 (for the time in various timezones click here)
Meeting Number: AL.FBSC/CC.1214/1
Recording: EN
Transcript: FBSC Transcript 2014-10-02
Dial out Participants: Holly Raiche
Attendees: Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Tijani Ben Jemaa,
Apologies: Fatimata Seye Sylla,
Call management:
1. Welcome and Objective of the Meeting - Alan Greenberg, Chair of the FBSC (3 min)
2. Roll Call - Staff (2 min)
3. Discussion on the FY16 Budget and AC/SO Special Requests with Xavier Calvez, ICANN CFO (15 minutes)
4. Development of Criteria for ALAC's FY16 Special Requests - Alan Greenberg (30 minutes)
See: At-Large FY16 Budget Development Workspace
5. Next Steps - Alan Greenberg (10 min)