This Workspace contains the action items from the ICANN70 ALAC and At-Large sessions. *ALAC and At-Large Actions and Decisions 20-25 March Workspace

This pages contains the ALAC and At-Large Actions and Decisions taken during ICANN70.

Monday, 22 March 2021

At-Large Leadership Session: Welcome to ICANN70 & Policy Talking Points - EE

At-Large Policy Session 1: The future of ICANN‘s mandate and the development of the DNS: Voices of the Next Generation! - EE

The outcome is that this policy session has been the kick-off to strengthen and cumulate Next Generation ideas and resources cross-constituencies focused on the three emphasized questions during the roundtable. This should result in possible focal points for future projects or topics to further intensify and concretize the drive of this renewal process.

LACRALO Roundtable: "Strategic Plans of the LAC Region 2021-2025- A look to the future - SV

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

At-Large Policy Session 2: Reimagining ICANN's Role; Responding to National Pressure - HU

ALAC & GAC Meeting - EE

Wednesday, 24 March 2021 

At-Large Policy Session 3: Applicant Support: What Does Success Look Like? - EE

Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN Meeting - SV

Thursday, 25 March 2021

At-Large Leadership Wrap-Up - EE