Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)
to submit
Draft FY21-25 Operating & Financial Plan and Draft FY21 Operating Plan & Budget
to public comment and launch ALAC vote.
Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)
to add
to tomorrow's CPWG agenda for
Middle East and Adjoining Countries (MEAC) Strategy 2021-2025
Alperen Eken
to add column to monthly individual table that shows growth of membership.
Gisella Gruber
Silvia Vivanco
to add photo and name of regional MD/VP to the RALO webpages.
Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)
to work with Sebastian Bachollet and Natalia Filinia to create a Features page for the EURALO Interview with Christopher Mondini.
Gisella Gruber
Heidi Ullrich
to work with
and At-Large ICANN67Prep group on revised At-Large agenda.
At-Large Members asked to send
a note if they are interested in
volunteers to join their ccPDP3 WG
Heidi Ullrich
to send a call for members for the
ICANN Community Excellence Award Selection Committee.