Please note: Per the At-Large Improvements, the election of the Chair of the ALAC is now for a two-year term. 

Proposed Election Schedule

Election Schedule with ROP Explanations (v11*)

17 September 2012  Election Call is sent by ALAC Chair

ROP Article 9.1:

No earlier than one calendar month and no later than three weeks before the beginning of an ICANN Meeting where an ALAC officer has to be elected, the current Chair Chair of the ALAC will send to the public ALAC list an “election call” message, listing the officers that are to be elected at that ICANN Meeting, asking for nominations, and stating the deadline according to the following paragraph 9.2.

1 October 2012 Deadline for Officer Nominations

3 October 2012 Chair to post to the public ALAC list an “election summary” message

4-11 October 2012 Nominations are discussed

8 October 2012 Deadline for Nominees to Accept their Nomination

14 October 2012 Start of AGM

18 October 2012 Closure of the AGM

18-21 October 2012 Election of ALAC Officers (starting immediately after the official closure of the AGM)

22 October 2012 Election Results announced

22 October 2012 New ALAC Officers take their seats

*V11 of the ALAC ROPs are currently under review.

Qualification Criteria

According to the ALAC Internal Rules of Procedure, the qualification criteria for officers is as follows:


Geographic Region


Nominated By/Supported By

Date Accepted

Role Previously Held By (Re-election Possible)


Olivier Crépin-LeblondEURALOChair
  • Evan Leibovicth (Nom)
  • Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro
  • Carlton Samuels
  • Natalia Enciso
  • Eduardo Diaz
  • Rinalia Abdul Rahim
  • Tijani Ben Jemaa
  • Sergio Salinas Porto
8 October 2012Olivier Crépin-Leblond (Yes)Olivier Crépin-Leblond was elected by acclamation.
Evan LeibovitchNARALOVice-Chair
  • Carlton Samuels (Nom)
  • Eduardo Diaz
  • Olivier Crépin-Leblond
  • Tijani Ben Jemaa
8 October 2012Evan Leibovitch (Yes)Evan Leibovitich was elected by acclamation.
Carlton SamuelsLACRALOVice-Chair
  • Evan Leibovitch (Nom)
  • Olivier Crépin-Leblond
  • Tijani Ben Jemaa
18 September 2012Carlton Samuels (Yes)Carlton Samuels was elected by acclamation.
Rinalia Abdul RahimAPRALOVice-Chair
  • Eduardo Diaz (Nom)
  • Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro
Declined 8 October 2012Evan Leibovitch and Carlton Samuels 
Carlton SamuelsLACRALORapporteur
  • Eduardo Diaz (Nom)
Tijani Ben JemaaAFRALORapporteur
  • Evan Leibovitch (Nom)
  • Carlton Samuels
  • Olivier Crépin-Leblond
8 October 2012Tijani Ben Jemaa (Yes)Tijani Ben Jemma was elected by acclamation.
Rinalia Abdul RahimAPRALORegional Representative
  • Evan Leibovitch (Nom)
  • Eduardo Diaz
  • Olivier Crépin-Leblond
  • Tijani Ben Jemaa
8 October 2012 8 October 2012Rinalia Abdul Rahim (Yes) 
Yaovi AtohounAFRALOVice-Chair
  • Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro (Nom)
  • Natalia Enciso
  • Eduardo Diaz
  • Sergio Salinas Porto
DeclinedTijani Ben Jemaa (Yes) 
Eduardo DiazNARALOVice-Chair
  • Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro (Nom)
  • Natalia Enciso
  • Sergio Salinas Porto
Declined 21 September 2012Evan Leibovitch (Yes) 
Rinalia Abdul RahimAPRALORapporteur
  • Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro (Nom)
  • Natalia Enciso
  • Sergio Salinas Porto
Declined 8 October 2012Rinalia Abdul Rahim (Yes)Rinalia Abjdul Rahim was elected by acclamation.