The next evolution of language services must adopt further extension of live scribing for all meetings and generally extend the current interpretation and translation processes and make translation available in a timely manner.
ICANN Language Services provides interpretation for:
At-Large F2F meetings in English, Spanish and French
English, Spanish, French and Russian for ALAC monthly conference calls.
English, Spanish and Portuguese for LACRALO monthly calls
English, French for AFRALO calls.
For At-Large WGs, interpretation is provided on request from more than 3 persons attending a call.
ICANN Language Services transcribes audio recordings of ALAC/At-Large meetings and provides a transcript in less than a week which At-Large staff posts on the meeting's wiki page.
Input from Accessibility:
There has been serious efforts across ICANN to improve accessibly
It is not At-Large's call to complete this recommendation; it will be completed via ICANN's efforts in this, depending on the progress made.
Transcription in ICANN meetings has been provided in a timely manner
The pilot for captioning/live transcribing is for language services and IT to take up (Gunela Astbrink has been involved in this). The pilot has been restricted in a relatively short period of time. The group wants to ask the pilot to continue and provide captioning on an ongoing basis. There are many items in the list to be done in the future. The pilot has not been completed and work is on going.
To categorize these types of recommendation under 'ongoing work' type, as it requires continuous efforts in implementation those recommendations. Remove them from ATLAS II specific recommendations and put them in a different category.
The pilot is not a cross community working group. It is an ICANN wide cross community activity (not a WG) and has its own workspace to provide updates: Cross Community Committee on Accessibility Home;