2024-10-07 At-Large Regional Leadership Call

2024-09-03 At-Large Regional Leadership Call

2024-07-25 At-Large Regional Leadership Call

SeB input:

Greg input:

How to balance the external timelines

           Natalia Filina

2024-05-22 At-Large Regional Leadership Call

2024-05-07 At-Large Regional Leadership Call

2023-12-18 At-Large Regional Leadership Call

2023-09-05 At-Large Regional Leadership Call

2023-08-07 At-Large Regional Leadership Call

May 25 call 

April call

All RALO leaders discussed the topics for a DRAFT Agenda at ICANN 77 to be confirmed by RALOs.

1.    Feedback from each RALO on implementation of At-Large Review implementation
2.    Decertification of  ALs, ( Claire mentioned ALS which were not interested in participating in the GA)
3.    Initial discussion of FY24 Outreach Plans.
4.    AOB

January 25 call 

December 14 call