1. On behalf of RALOs, staff to invite Baher to present at the “Enhancing collaboration between RALOs and ALAC and GSE” at the ICANN 81 meeting.
  2. Staff will update the current CIP wiki space with the latest and final RALO and ALAC submissions.

2024-09-03 At-Large Regional Leadership Call

2024-07-25 At-Large Regional Leadership Call

SeB input:

Greg input:

How to balance the external timelines

           Natalia Filina

2024-05-22 At-Large Regional Leadership Call

2024-05-07 At-Large Regional Leadership Call

2023-12-18 At-Large Regional Leadership Call

2023-09-05 At-Large Regional Leadership Call

2023-08-07 At-Large Regional Leadership Call

May 25 call 

April call

All RALO leaders discussed the topics for a DRAFT Agenda at ICANN 77 to be confirmed by RALOs.

1.    Feedback from each RALO on implementation of At-Large Review implementation
2.    Decertification of  ALs, ( Claire mentioned ALS which were not interested in participating in the GA)
3.    Initial discussion of FY24 Outreach Plans.
4.    AOB

January 25 call 

December 14 call