Date: Tuesday, 26 January 2021
Time: 20:30 - 22:00 UTC (For the time in various time zones click here)
EUR: Sébastien Bachollet, Natalia Filina
AF: Seun Ojedeji, Aziz Hilali, Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong
AP: Satish Babu, Lianna Galstyan, Nadira Al-Araj, Pavan Budhrani
LAC: Sergio Salinas Porto, Harold Arcos, Augusto Ho, Kerry Omir Kerr
NA: Eduardo Diaz, Judith Hellerstein
Dial-out Participants:
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco
ES Interpreters:
FR Interpreters:
Call Management: TBC
Action Items: EN
Zoom Chat: EN
Recording: EN, ES, FR
Transcript: EN, ES, FR
Welcome and Roll Call – Staff (3 mins)
Introduction and Review of the Agenda - Sergio (5 mins)
ICANN70 (15 mins)
Update on At-Large Plans - Staff
LACRALO General Assembly Activities - Sergio
Should the Regional Leadership hold a meeting during ICANN70? - Staff
Update on At-Large 5 year Cycle and Next Steps - Silvia (10 mins)
- See: RALO General Assembly Schedule - FY21-FY24
Additional Budget Requests. - Heidi (10 mins)
Pilot Zoom Room for ALSes and Review of Criteria - Heidi/All (10 mins)
Updates on RALOs FY21 Strategic Outreach Plan and Initial Plans for FY22 - RALO Chairs (20 mins)
- See: At-Large Regional Policy Engagement Program (ARPEP)
GSE Update - Adam (5 mins)
AOB – Sergo (5 mins)
Next Call – Sergio (2 mins)