The CWG is open to members and participants (formerly 'observers'). In addition to members, who are appointed by the chartering organizations, anyone interested in the work of the CWG, can join as a participant. Participants are expected to actively engage in and attend all meetings. The only difference between a member and a participant is that any consensus calls or formal decisions that may need to be made will be limited to CWG members appointed by the chartering organizations. However, this does not take away that it is the expectation that the CWG will operate as much as possible with the views and consensus support of all participants in mind as the importance of considering all input and views on this important topic is recognized. Participants may be from a chartering organization, from a stakeholder group or organization not represented in the CWG or currently active within ICANN, or self-appointed.
How to join
If you are interested in joining, please contact Grace Abuhamad (, or the secretariats of your Supporting Organization or Advisory Committee. All participants (members and observers) will be listed below. All participants are also required to submit a Statement of Interest (SOI) following the procedures of their chartering organization, or where that is not applicable, the GNSO Procedures should be followed (see Statement of Interest (SOI) Instructions).
Co-Chairs: Lise Fuhr & Jonathan Robinson
Seun Ojedeji (AFRALO)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (APRALO)
Olivier Crépin-Leblond (EURALO)
Fatima Cambronero (LACRALO)
Eduardo Diaz (NARALO)
Lise Fuhr (.DK, Europe, not member ccNSO)
Erick Iriarte (.PE, LAC)
Maarten Simon – (.NL, Europe)
Paul Kane - (.AC, Europe, not member ccNSO)
Vika Mpisane (.ZA, Africa)
Elise Lindeberg (Norway)
Wanawit Ahkuputra (Thailand)
Greg Shatan (CSG)
Graeme Bunton (RrSG)
Avri Doria (NCSG)
Stephanie Duchesneau – GNSO (RySG alternate)
Megan Richards – GAC (observer)
Maciej Tomaszewski – GAC (observer)
Cristina Monti – GAC (observer)
Support Staff:
Grace Abuhamad
Bart Boswinkel
Berry Cobb
Marika Konings
Bernard Turcotte
Additional Staff Contacts:
David Conrad
Alain Durand
Theresa Swinehart