Members: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Donna Austin, Eduardo Diaz, Greg Shatan, Jaap Akkeruis, Jonathan Robinson, Lise Fuhr, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Paul Kane, Wanawit Ahkuputra (10)
Participants: Alan Greenberg, Alissa Cooper, Allan MacGillivray, Andrew Sullivan, Chuck Gomes, Jorge Cancio, Maarten Simon, Mark Carvell, Martin Boyle, Matthew Shears, Megan Richards, Sabine Meyer, Suzanne Woolf (13)
Staff: Akram Atallah, Berry Cobb, Brenda Brewer, Grace Abuhamad, Marika Konings, Trang Nguyen, Xavier Calvez, Yuko Green
Apologies: Seun Ojedeji, Avri Doria
**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
1. Opening Remarks
2. Implementation Update
4. CCWG-Accountability
5. ICANN Bylaws relating to CWG-Stewardship
6. AOB
7. Closing Remarks
1. Opening Remarks
2. Implementation Update
Action item: CWG-Stewardship to consider the role of ICANN staff in the implementation of IANA IPR issues
4. CCWG-Accountability
Action item: Staff to distribute CG tracking of CCWG work to the mailing list. CWG-Stewardship to review and provide input.
Action item: CWG-Stewardship to review current wording in relation to IRP for suitability and communicate feedback to the CCWG-Accountability as soon as possible. Chairs to circulate current wording to the list.
Action item: Take input on list as to the requirements for the IPR consistent with prior work and recommendations to the CCWG-Accountability.
5. ICANN Bylaws relating to CWG-Stewardship
Action item: Staff to circulate overview of questions and draft responses on the draft Bylaws to the CWG-Stewardship.
Action item: CWG-Stewardship to review document and provide input on list.
Action item: CWG-Stewardship to ensure that bylaws derived from the work of the CWG-Stewardship are appropriately sized and fit for purpose.
6. AOB
7. Closing Remarks
Action item: CWG-Stewardship to consider the role of ICANN staff in the implementation of IANA IPR issues
Action item: Staff to distribute CG tracking of CCWG work to the mailing list. CWG-Stewardship to review and provide input.
Action item: CWG-Stewardship to review current wording in relation to IRP for suitability and communicate feedback to the CCWG-Accountability as soon as possible. Chairs to circulate current wording to the list.
Action item: Take input on list as to the requirements for the IPR consistent with prior work and recommendations to the CCWG-Accountability.
Action item: Staff to circulate overview of questions and draft responses on the draft Bylaws to the CWG-Stewardship.
Action item: CWG-Stewardship to review document and provide input on list.
Action item: CWG-Stewardship to ensure that bylaws derived from the work of the CWG-Stewardship are appropriately sized and fit for purpose.
Brenda Brewer: (1/21/2016 09:26) Good day all and welcome to CWG Stewardship Meeting #75 on 21 January, 2016 at 16:00 UTC!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (09:56) hi all
Martin Boyle, Nominet: (09:57) Hi
Allan MacGillivray: (09:58) Good day!
Lise Fuhr: (09:58) Hello All
Jaap Akkerhuis (SSAC): (10:00) Evening. I might have to drop of after an hour for another call...
Sabine Meyer (GAC - Germany): (10:01) Hello everyone!
Chuck Gomes (RySG): (10:01) Hello to all.
Matthew Shears: (10:02) Hello
Akram: (10:03) hello everyone
jorge cancio (GAC Switzerland): (10:03) hi all
Jaap Akkerhuis (SSAC): (10:06) No sound on this end. Will retry
Jaap Akkerhuis (SSAC): (10:07) Sound!
andrew sullivan: (10:07) apologies for tardiness; this is scheduled in conflict with IESG
Paul Kane: (10:13) Thanks Trang - Loo
Matthew Shears: (10:13) very nice tracking charts
Brenda Brewer: (10:29) CCWG Wiki page with Docs:
Grace Abuhamad: (10:30) @Paul -- Here is the link to thte email that Lise sent with the documents for review :
Paul Kane: (10:30) Thanks Brenda - could you also send the docs to the CWG Stewardship list so all can revew....
Grace Abuhamad: (10:31) We will send updated documents at the end of this week
Matthew Shears: (10:31) such a tabulation would be very welcome
Paul Kane: (10:32) Thanks Grace. I just want all CWG members to have time to review ..... and comment. I don't want to be bounced into a solution :-) The ccTLD Community would never forgive me!!
Matthew Shears: (10:32) is there a link to the doc on the screen
Grace Abuhamad: (10:32) not yet @Matthew. I just developped this and hope to present it on call before circulating
Matthew Shears: (10:32) OK thanks Grace
Chuck Gomes (RySG): (10:34) The table is very helpful. Thanks.
Alan Greenberg: (10:34) I'm afraid I need to leave now. Looks like good work going on here.
Matthew Shears: (10:35) this is very helpful
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (10:37) Yes Thanks Grace *very helpful* indeed...
Paul Kane: (10:37) Thanks Grace - that would be useful, we need time to review
Matthew Shears: (10:37) if you could add a comments column on the end for us to be able to note concerns or suggestions that might be useful
Grace Abuhamad: (10:39) Ok will do.
Matthew Shears: (10:40) Are we sure that the IRP as currently envisioned suited for appeals related to PTI/IANA performance and other matters
Grace Abuhamad: (10:41) My view and understanding is that this is something that can be and will be linked through the ICANN and PTI Bylaws.
Paul Kane: (10:42) Good point Chuck. @ Matthew +1 if PTI/IANA are not delivering exemplary performance it impacts operation of the Registry and needs to be fixed asap - much faster than IRP
Matthew Shears: (10:42) then we have to ask what we are seeking of an appeals process and whether the IRP is suited
Jonathan Robinson: (10:43) @Matthew. It may not be at face value but to me the key will be (as Grace points out) that we direct AND effectively implement. I like the idea of being clear what our requirement is / requirements are.
Matthew Shears: (10:43) agree
Matthew Shears: (10:48) + 1Jonathan
Matthew Shears: (10:54) propbably have to look at most of the paras in rec 7 in terms of standing panel expertise, timeline, etc, as well
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (10:54) What happens if it is not consistent?
Matthew Shears: (10:55) we need to communicate that very quickly as the rest of the review on IRP is done I believe
Grace Abuhamad: (10:56) I will send this document to the mailing list after the call
Matthew Shears: (10:57) is there a link to the text that these page #s refer to
Grace Abuhamad: (11:01) Yes, It's the Sidley Draft Bylaws document from 7 November.
Grace Abuhamad: (11:01) I'll get the link for you
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (11:01) very helpful Grace
Grace Abuhamad: (11:02)
Matthew Shears: (11:02) thanks Grace
Grace Abuhamad: (11:08) The Sidley document is very long and I couldn't figure out a way to merge both our responses and their document without creating a super long document... Theirs is 60 pages. To keep our response table short, I constructed it noting duplicated in the 2nd column. When reviewing, it's best to have both documents open, but eventually you'll only need the response document
Paul Kane: (11:09) Yes - I think there is a replacement
Paul Kane: (11:09) TBC - will do
Allan MacGillivray: (11:09) There has been no announcment yet of the ccNSO replacement.
Chuck Gomes (RySG): (11:09) Thanks everyone.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (11:09) thanks everyone... talk again soon, bye for now...
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (11:10) The efficiency is thanks to yu co-Chairs + Staff. Well done!
Matthew Shears: (11:10) thanks!
Paul Kane: (11:10) Thanks - bye all ...
Lise Fuhr: (11:10) thank you - bye for now
Maarten Simon: (11:10) bye all
Martin Boyle, Nominet: (11:10) Thanks chairs, staff, all & bye
Allan MacGillivray: (11:10) Bye all
Jaap Akkerhuis (SSAC): (11:10) Bye all!
andrew sullivan: (11:10) thanks!
Sabine Meyer (GAC - Germany): (11:10) thanks everyone!
Greg Shatan: (11:10) Thank you all!
jorge cancio (GAC Switzerland): (11:10) bye all