The implementation planning process has started and can be followed on the ICANN website at

Per an exchange following the ICANN 54 meeting in Dublin, the CWG-Stewardship will oversee implementation of its portion of the IANA Stewardship Transition proposal, as a representative body for the names community. ICANN staff responsible for implementation will provide bi-weekly updates to the CWG-Stewardship, and their presentations will be archived below: 

Staff presentations

 N/ACWG Update 22Sep16.pdf
 N/ACWG Update 8Sep16 final.pdf
 N/ACWG Update 1Sep16.pdf
 N/ACWG Update 25Aug16rev_TN.pdf
 N/ACWG Update 18Aug16.pdf
 N/ACWG Update 12Aug16.pdf
 N/ACWG Update 04Aug2016.pdf
 N/ACWG Update 28Jul2016.pdf
 Transition Implementation Reporting 18JUL16.pptxTransition Implementation Reporting 18JUL16.pdf
 N/ACWG Update 14JUL16.pdf
 ICANN56_IANA Stewardship Transition Implementation Planning Update.pptxICANN56_IANA Stewardship Transition Implementation Planning Update.pdf
 CWG Update 16JUN16_Updated.pptxCWG Update 02JUN16.pptx
 CWG Update 02JUN16.pptxCWG Update 02JUN16.pdf
 N/ACWG Update 12MAY16rev.pdf
 N/ACWG Update 31MAR16.pdf
 N/ACWG Update 25FEB16rev.pdf
 CWG Update 02042016 final.pptxCWG Update 02042016 final.pdf
 CWG Update 01212016.pptxCWG Update 01212016.pdf
 CWG Update 01122016_v2.pptxCWG Update 01122016_v2.pdf
 N/AImplementation Update 3 Dec.pdf
 N/ACWG Implementation Update_v2.pdf/





IANA Stewardship Transition Planning Update (Volume 3)


IANA Stewardship Transition Planning Update (Volume 2)

 IANA Stewardship Transition Planning Update (Volume 1)


What is the IOTF?

The IOTF was formed following ICANN55 in Marrakech. The IOTF offers a channel for ICANN to request insights or clarifications to ensure that ICANN and the community remain aligned on ICANN's implementation planning efforts of the ICG Proposal. The group was formed to include the co-Chairs and Design Team leads of the Cross Community Working Group to Develop an IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions (CWG-Stewardship), and has since grown to also include representatives from the ICG, Numbering Resources community and Protocol Parameters community.

IOTF Meetings
