Original link: https://www.icann.org/news/blog/an-update-on-iana-stewardship-discussions-en
The transition of IANA's stewardship is now another step nearer as two key proposals are opened for public comment:
The final version of both these proposals will eventually be submitted to the ICANN Board of Directors, who will transfer them to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). More information on these proposals, and how you can comment on their contents, is below.
On 31 July, the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG) announced the start of the public comment period for the Proposal to Transition the Stewardship of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Functions from the U.S. Commerce Department's National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to the Global Multistakeholder Community. The proposal consists of the three proposals that have already reached consensus among the Domain Names, Numbering Resources and Protocol Parameters communities, as well as a report by the ICG, which includes an assessment of whether the three proposals:
The ICG notes that as the proposals have already undergone extensive public comment and discussionamongst the three operational communities, this public comment period is focused on how the three proposals work together as a whole and how it fares against the criteria established by NTIA for the transition.
The proposal will be available for public comment for 40 days. Following community input during the comment period, the ICG will decide whether to recommend that NTIA approve the transition proposal.
The proposal will be available shortly in all six official United Nations (UN) languages and Portuguese, but is currently only available in English. The news release about the proposal, however, is available now in these seven languages, with all translations linked from the English version.
You can comment on the proposal, taking into account the ICG's 12 questions, by 8 September 2015, 23:59 UTC (convert to your time zone). Comments can be submitted in one of two ways:
After you have submitted the form, you will receive an automatically generated email asking you to click a link to confirm your submission. Your comments will then be posted to the archive of public comments.
You may wish to use this template for your response. After submitting your comments you will receive two emails: the first confirms receipt of your email; the second confirms your comments have been posted to the comments archive.
To help better understand the contents and context of the draft proposal, you may wish to join one of thetwo following webinars live:
The webinars will also be live interpreted in the six UN languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish) and Portuguese and the recording posted shortly afterward. The transcript will also be translated and posted after the webinars.
On 3 August, the Cross-Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (CCWG-Accountability) released its 2nd Draft Proposal on Work Stream 1 Recommendations. Since the first version of the proposal was released on 4 May, the CCWG-Accountability has taken a very open and agile approach to finding creative solutions to problems identified in previous iterations of their proposals. The second version also addresses a number of outstanding issues not fully fleshed out in the first draft. The most significant changes between the two drafts are:
The mechanism has undergone significant changes: in the May draft, there were two alternatives presented – member model and delegate model; following feedback received during the public comment period, the CCWG-Accountability brainstormed alternatives at ICANN53 in June, resulting in the development of an Empowered SO/AC model. Resulting from subsequent discussions at a face-to-face meeting in Paris in July, this second draft proposal presents the Community Mechanism as Sole Member Model.
The new stress tests have been added following suggestions contained in the Larry Strickling's 16 June blog post on the NTIA website.
These refinements include:
The proposal also includes "minority views", which are statements by CCWG-Accountability members and participants who object to recommendations contained in the report. Additional minority views received after 1 August will be available here.
The proposal will be available for public comment for 40 days.
After the public comment period closes, the CCWG-Accountability aims to finalize its Work Stream 1 proposal for submission to its Chartering Organizations (GNSO, ALAC, ccNSO, GAC, ASO and SSAC) and then to the ICANN Board of Directors during or shortly after ICANN54 in Dublin. The proposal will then be submitted to the NTIA, along with the IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal. After Work Stream 1 is completed, the CCWG-Accountability will focus on Work Stream 2, which consists of accountability enhancements that do not need to be in place for the IANA stewardship transition to occur.
You can comment on the proposal by 12 September 2015, 23:59 UTC (convert to your time zone).
To help better understand the contents and context of the draft proposal, you may wish to join one of thetwo following webinars live:
The webinars will also be live interpreted in the six UN languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish) and Portuguese and the recording posted shortly afterward. The transcript will also be translated and posted after the webinars.
4 Aug 2015 | Netzverwaltung ICANN: Finaler Entwurf für künftige Aufsicht der DNS-Rootzone, Heise Online [DE] |
3 Aug 2015 | ICANN posts proposal to end US oversight of Internet, Agence France-Presses (AFP) |
30 Jul 2015 | How Congress Can Halt Government Control of the Internet, The Daily Signal [EN] |
20 Jul 2015 | IANA TRANSITION e ICANN ACCOUNTABILITY: De onde viemos e para onde vamos?, Observatório da Internet no Brasil [PT] |
4 Aug 2015 | Webinar: CCWG-Accountability 2nd draft of ICANN accountability enhancements (Work Stream 1) proposal |
6 Aug 2015 | Webinar: ICG IANA Stewardship Transition proposal |
7 Aug 2015 | Webinar: ICG IANA Stewardship Transition proposal |
Webinar: CCWG-Accountability 2nd draft of ICANN accountability enhancements (Work Stream 1) proposal | |
8 Sep 2015 | Public Comment Period on ICG's IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal closes |
12 Sep 2015 | |
18-19 Sep 2015 | ICG Face-to-Face Meeting, Los Angeles |
30 Sep-15 Oct 2015 | CCWG-Accountability's 2nd and final proposal (Work Stream 1) presented to ALAC, ASO,ccNSO, GAC and GNSO for their approval. |
18-22 Oct 2015 | ICANN 54 inc. ICG Face-to-Face meeting and presentation of proposals for IANAstewardship and ICANN accountability enhancements (Work Stream 1) to the ICANNBoard for subsequent transmission to the NTIA. |
Week 1, Nov 2015 | ICANN Board transmits IANA stewardship transition and ICANN accountability (Work Stream 1) proposals to NTIA. |
Original post here: https://www.icann.org/news/blog/volume-8-an-update-on-iana-stewardship-discussions
The IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG) has announced that it intends to launch the public comment period for the Interim Final Proposal to Transition the Stewardship of the IANA Functions on 31 July, with an end date of around 8 September. The ICG will hold webinars at the beginning of the public comment period to provide an overview of the proposal. The most recent version of the ICG's draft proposal is Version 5. Although it is a lengthy document, 206 pages with some material still to be added, the vast majority of pages consist of the existing proposals that have reached consensus amongst the protocol parameters, numbering resources and domain names operational communities. The most significant new text in the ICG's draft proposal is its own report, currently 10 pages long, at the front of the proposal. The ICG's report includes the ICG's assessment of the three proposals from the operational communities to ensure:
For more background on the ICG's assessment of the three proposals, see its working document,Combined Proposal Assessment Matrix (v2).
The Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (CCWG-Accountability) held its latest face-to-face meeting in Paris, 17-18 July, which was attended in-person by 76 members and participants in person and an additional 30 joining remotely. Following legal analysis of the "EmpoweredSO/AC Model" presented by Adler & Colvin in the lead-up to the meeting, the CCWG-Accountability decided in Paris to pursue a new model, the "Community Mechanism as Sole Member Model (CMSM)". This new model builds on the Empowered SO/AC Model that emerged during ICANN 53, which in turn, built on the original member and designator models documented in the initial draft report of Work Stream 1 accountability enhancements. The CMSM would be established under ICANN Bylaws as the one and only member of ICANN. The CMSM would be composed of ICANN's Supporting Organizations (SOs) and Advisory Committees (ACs). While the CMSM would have the status of "legal personhood", the SOs and ACs themselves are not required to become legally recognized entities. The possibility of needing to adopt a formal legal status is one of the reasons that parts of the ICANN community were hesitant about the previously proposed models, which required SOs and ACs to adopt "legal personhood" if they wished to have access to "enforceability" mechanisms under the enhanced accountability framework being proposed.
Members of the Government Advisory Committee (GAC) were active in contributing to the work of the CCWG-Accountability before Paris, with 31 governments contributing input. These inputs were thenconsolidated into a single document by the GAC Secretariat and provided to the CCWG-Accountability before the Paris meeting. The CCWG-Accountability meeting in Paris discussed the concerns of governments and has acknowledged, in its Communiqué from the meeting, those concerns as well as the challenge governments face in making decisions about the new CMSM within the short timeframe available before ICANN 54 in Dublin.
Further, the CCWG-Accountability also reaffirmed in Paris its commitment to coordinating with the Cross Community Working Group to Develop an IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions (CWG-Stewardship) on six key dependencies between the CCWG-Accountability's Work Stream 1 work and the work of the CWG-Stewardship:
The Paris meeting also resulted in broad agreement on enhancements to the Independent Review Process (IRP) (see 18 July Session 2 notes for details). The CCWG-Accountability will create a subgroup to further develop IRP rules and procedures as well as fine tune the subject matter for IRP.
The CCWG-Accountability plans to publish the second version of its proposal for a 40-day public comment beginning 31 July and ending 8 September 2015. The second draft has not yet been published, but the working version will be published here.
To enable better communication and understanding of mutual expectations between working group chairs and ICANN SOs and ACs, ICANN is now supporting monthly Transition Facilitation Calls, the first which was held July 16 (listen to the audio recording).
At the public ICANN Board meeting at ICANN 53, the Board adopted a resolution regarding expenses for one of the two legal counsels retained by the CWG-Stewardship. This resulted in discussions about managing resourcing of the IANA Stewardship Transition and Enhancing ICANN Accountability processes moving forward.
On 16 July, the IGF-USA 2015 held a discussion on the IANA stewardship transition and ICANNaccountability. The discussion has been documented in the Storify article, Internet Governance Forum USA 2015: IANA Transition.
On July 29, U.S. Rep. John Shimkus will speak on the Domain Openness Through Continued Oversight Matters (DOTCOM) Act, a bill which provides a framework for congressional oversight of the transition. Following his remarks, members of the Internet governance community will comment on the bill and outlooks for the transition's progress. The event will be webcast and archived within 24 hours.
16 Jul 2015 | ICG – Combined IANA Stewardship proposal, Draft version 5 |
14 Jul 2015 | CCWG-Accountability – Draft Content for Second Public Comment Report on Fundamental Bylaws |
7 Jul 2015 | CCWG-Accountability – Empowered SO/AC Membership & Designator Models for Community Empowerment (and CMSM variation) by Sidley Austin |
20 Jul 2015 | A fragmentação da Internet só vai servir para reverter as vantagens económicas e a dinâmica da inovação, SAPOTEK [PT] |
Multistakeholder Internet governance: A pathway completed, the road ahead, The Brookings Institution [EN] | |
15 Jul 2015 | The CCWG: From Buenos Aires to Paris to Dublin, ICANN [EN] |
29 Jul 2015 | ICG Teleconference #21, 5:00-7:00 UTC |
31 Jul 2015 | Public Comment Period for CCWG-Accountability's 2nd draft of ICANNaccountability enhancements (Work Stream 1) begins. |
Public Comment Period on interim final IANA stewardship proposal, consisting of names, numbers and protocol parameter components, begins. | |
3-7 Aug 2015 | 3 webinars: briefings on ICG combined proposal released for public comment (times to be confirmed) |
8 Sep 2015 | Public Comment Period for CCWG-Accountability's 2nd draft of ICANNaccountability enhancements (Work Stream 1) closes. |
Public Comment Period on interim final IANA stewardship proposal closes (date TBC). | |
18-19 Sep 2015 | ICG Face-to-Face Meeting, Los Angeles |
30 Sep-15 Oct 2015 | CCWG-Accountability's 2nd and final proposal (Work Stream 1) presented toALAC, ASO, ccNSO, GAC and GNSO for their approval. |
18-22 Oct 2015 | ICANN 54 including ICG Face-to-Face meeting and presentation of proposals forIANA stewardship and ICANN accountability enhancements (Work Stream 1) to theICANN Board for subsequent transmission to the NTIA. |
Week 1, Nov 2015 | ICANN Board transmits IANA stewardship and ICANN accountability (Work Stream 1) proposals to NTIA.
Original post here: https://www.icann.org/news/blog/an-update-on-iana-stewardship-discussions
ICANN is compiling updates on the community discussions and progress of the IANA Stewardship Transition and Enhancing ICANN Accountability Processes. This information is positioned to help inform interested stakeholders in the recent developments in the processes, upcoming key dates, latest documents and drafts and a snapshot of any news coverage that occurs over the timeframe.
The final proposal by the Cross Community Working Group to Develop an IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions (CWG-Stewardship) was forwarded to the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG) following its approval by the CWG-Stewardship's five chartering organizations. Communication of formal approval by the chartering organizations, including any accompanying remarks, has now been published on the CWG-Stewardship's website:
Chartering organizations approved the proposal on the understanding that the necessary accountability mechanisms will be included in the final proposal for Work Stream 1 of the Cross-Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (CCWG-Accountability).
While the names proposal has now been forwarded to the ICG, the CWG-Stewardship will not disband yet. Outstanding work still to be conducted includes:
The CWG-Stewardship will continue to retain external legal counsel to assist in responding to any questions or input from the other operational communities the ICG on issues, such as the IANAtrademark issue, and in developing an implementation plan for the proposal.
During the public comment period on the initial draft report of Work Stream 1 accountability enhancements, there were a number of community concerns about the proposal to move ICANN to a mandatory member or “designator” model. In response to these concerns, onsite at ICANN 53, the CCWG-Accountability Co-chairs encouraged all of its members to pitch any alternative model that might better suit the needs of the different communities that together create the ICANN community.
A potential compromise model called the “Empowered SO/AC” model emerged, in which eachSupporting Organization (SO) and Advisory Committee (AC) has the choice of if, and when, to become a member (or designator) of ICANN. Under this model, all SOs and ACs would, by default, have all the benefits of the enhanced ICANN accountability framework, excluding the ability to use the courts as a method of enforcement. However, the power of enforceability could be claimed at any time, should anSO or AC choose to do so, by changing the SO/AC's status to become a formal member (or designator) of ICANN. Initial indications are that both the Designator and Member models could be applied under the Empowered SO/AC model, and the CCWG-Accountability is seeking legal advice on the most appropriate way forward. As the CCWG-Accountability is concentrating its efforts on determining an agreeable model before the target start date for its next public comment period at the end of July, the Co-chairs have announced that the summary of comments on the first comment period, originally due 29 June, will now be completed by early August.
The CCWG-Accountability has created a third Work Party, WP3, to examine issues that have been identified following the publication of the initial draft report, including staff and management accountability, SO/AC accountability and enhancement of diversity. The CCWG-Accountability is also developing a process for working with ICANN on drafting Bylaws associated with Work Stream 1 accountability enhancements to ensure the Bylaws can be adopted in a timely manner.
The ICG completed its assessment of the names proposal submitted by the CWG-Stewardship on its call #19 on 8 July. Drafts of the assessments are available in the ICG's Dropbox. It has also received a formal objection to the names proposal from a member of the community who had chosen not to participate in the CWG-Stewardship's work. The objection is on the basis that the final version of the names proposal was not presented for public comment before its presentation to the CWG-Stewardship chartering organizations for approval. As the ICG has a policy of non-interference with the consensus development processes of the three operational communities, the ICG is discussing passing the message back to the CWG-Stewardship for their comment.
The ICG's Communications Sub-Group has developed a communications strategy to engage the multistakeholder community as broadly as possible when the combined proposal is released for public comment. The communications strategy includes holding webinars to brief the community, producing graphics and slides to provide high-level overviews of the proposal, and translations of key materials.
On 6 July, the ICG replied to the NTIA's letter of 6 May, which asked for information about the timeline for completing the transition. The ICG noted there are three remaining phases of the transition process:
Based on these three phases, the ICG has suggested to the NTIA that the earliest date at which the transition of stewardship is likely to be completed is July 2016.
The Co-chairs of the CCWG-Accountability have also replied to the NTIA, noting that the July 2016 completion date for their work is a best-case scenario, and that it may be necessary to extend the implementation of Work Stream 1 accountability mechanisms through to September 2016.
4 Jul 2015 | ICG – Combined IANA Stewardship proposal, Draft version 2 |
2 Jul 2015 | CCWG-Accountability – Bylaw drafting process |
1 Jul 2015 | CCWG-Accountability – Discussion Starters on Staff Accountability, SO/ACAccountability, Board Duties, and Diversity |
11 Jun 2015 | CWG-Stewardship – Final Proposal (approved by Chartering Organizations) |
9 Jul 2015 | Icann Says End of US Oversight Role 'Strengthens' the Internet, AFP [EN] |
30 Jun 2015 | Managing the Internet takes patience and nuance: Two things short in supply, IT World Canada [EN] |
22 Jun 2015 | USA verlängern Aufsicht über IANA noch einmal, Heise [DE] |
19 Jun 2015 | В МИД РФ выступили за регулирование интернета со стороны ООН и Международного союза электросвязи, Interfax [RU] |
9 Jul 2015 | CWG-Stewardship Meeting #61, 17:00-19:00 UTC |
14 Jul 2015 | CCWG-Accountability Meeting #40, 12:00 - 14:00 UTC |
15 Jul 2015 | ICG Teleconference #20, 19:00-21:00 UTC |
17-18 Jul 2015 | CCWG-Accountability face-to-face meeting, Paris |
29 Jul 2015 | ICG Teleconference #21, 5:00-7:00 UTC |
31 Jul 2015 | Public Comment Period for CCWG-Accountability's 2nd draft of ICANN accountability enhancements (Work Stream 1) due to begin |
Week of 3 Aug 2015 | Public Comment Period on Interim Final IANA Stewardship Proposal, consisting of names, numbers and protocol parameter components, begins |
3-7 Aug 2015 | 3 webinars: briefings on ICG combined proposal released for public comment (times to be confirmed) |
18-19 Sep 2015 | ICG face-to-face meeting, Los Angeles |
30 Sep-15 Oct 2015 | CCWG-Accountability's 2nd and final proposal (Work Stream 1) presented to ALAC, ASO,ccNSO, GAC and GNSO for their approval |
18-22 Oct 2015 | ICANN 54 including ICG face-to-face meeting and presentation of proposals for IANAstewardship and ICANN accountability enhancements (Work Stream 1) to the ICANNBoard for subsequent transmission to the NTIA |
Week 1, Nov 2015 | ICANN Board transmits IANA Stewardship Transition and Enhancing ICANN Accountability (Work Stream 1) Proposals to NTIA |
Original post here: https://www.icann.org/news/blog/volume-6-an-update-on-iana-stewardship-discussions
Following the closure of the Cross Community Working Group to Develop an IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions (CWG-Stewardship) general public comment period on 20 May (with comments by those relying on translations of the proposal having a closing date of 26 May), the ICANN CWG-Stewardship staff support has compiled the comments into the following key synthesis documents:
The final staff report is still pending publication. The 49 submissions received before the close of the comment period on 20 May can be found here and can be downloaded as a single ZIP file. Additional comments submitted beyond the 20 May can be found on the comments page archive. The CWG-Stewardship plans to publish its final version of its draft proposal on 8 June.
The CWG-Stewardship will hold two webinars to help enable the community to better understand this final draft version of the proposal
The general public comment period for those responding to the Cross-Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (CWG-Accountability) call for public comments on the initial draft report[PDF 2.1 MB] of Work Stream 1 accountability enhancements has now closed. However, the comment period remains open until 12 June for those relying on the translated versions of the report's executive summary. As of 7 June, 60 comments have been submitted to the public archive of comments. Translations of the executive summary and full draft report can be found under Section III: Relevant Resources of the call for public comments page or on the CCWG-Accountability wiki page.
The table below is correct as of 8 June 2015. For the most up-to-date version of which sessions will include IANA stewardship related discussions, see the full ICANN 53 schedule.
Date | Time | Meeting | Room |
18 Jun | 9:00-17:00 | ICG Face-to-Face Meeting | San Telmo |
19 Jun | 8:00-18:00 | CCWG-Accountability Working Session 1 | Retiro A |
9:00-17:00 | ICG Face-to-Face Meeting | San Telmo | |
20 Jun | No IANA or ICANN accountability meetings scheduled to date | ||
21 Jun | 8:30-10:00 | GAC: Transition of US Stewardship of IANA | San Telmo |
10:30-12:00 | GAC: Enhancing ICANN Accountability | San Telmo | |
11:00-12:00 | ALAC: NTIA IANA Functions' Stewardship Transition | Golden Horn | |
11:15-11:45 | GNSO: Update on IANA Stewardship Transition | Retiro B | |
11:45-12:15 | GNSO: Update on CCWG on Enhancing ICANN Accountability | Retiro B | |
13:30-14:30 | ALAC: ICANN Accountability and Transparency | Golden Horn | |
15:00-16:00 | CCWG-Accountability Meeting with the ICANN Board | Retiro C | |
18:30-20:00 | Evolving ICANN Accountability | Libertador C | |
22 Jun | 10:30-13:00 | CWG-Stewardship/CCWG-Accountability Joint Town Hall Meeting | Libertador AB |
16:45-18:00 | CWG-Stewardship Engagement Session | Libertador AB | |
23 Jun | 8:30-17:45 | Joint Meetings with the Board | Libertador AB |
10:00-10:30 | SSAC: Private meeting with the CCWG co-Chairs | TBC | |
14:00-15:45 | ccNSO: IANA Stewardship Transition/ICANN Accountability | La Pampa | |
15:00-17:00 | RSSAC: IANA Stewardship Transition/ICANN Accountability (TBC) | Auditorio | |
16:15-20:00 | At-Large Ad-hoc WG on the Transition of US Government Stewardship of the IANA Function and Accountability | Golden Horn | |
24 Jun | 9:30-10:30 | GAC: IANA Stewardship Transition (cont.) | San Telmo |
9:30-10:45 | ccNSO: Enhancing ICANN Accountability (CCWG Proposals) | La Pampa | |
10:30-12:00 | AoC and Organizational Reviews: Supporting ICANN Accountability | Libertador AB | |
11:00-12:30 | GAC: Enhancing ICANN Accountability (cont.) | San Telmo | |
13:00-15:00 | GNSO: IANA Stewardship Transition/ICANN Accountability (TBC) | Libertador C | |
14:00-15:00 | Joint Meeting of the ASO/NRO with the ICANN Board | Martin Fierro | |
15:30-17:00 | CCWG-Accountability Working Session 2 | Libertador AB | |
25 Jun | 8:30-10:00 | CWG-Stewardship Working Session | La Pampa |
10:15-11:45 | CCWG-Accountability Working Session 3 | La Pampa | |
8:30-12:30 | ICG Working Session 3 | Libertador AB |
Following a request by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to thechairs of the ICG [PDF 575 KB] and CCWG-Accountability for information on projected dates for completing the stewardship transition, the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG) wrote to the three operational communities (here, here and here) for more information on how long it would take to implement each of the three components of the transition proposal. The IETF Working Group on Planning for the IANA/NTIA Transition (IANAPLAN) has responded, stating they believe the protocol parameters component could be implemented promptly, pending more information about the possible involvement of the protocol parameters community in the CWG-Stewardship's proposed Post-TransitionIANA (PTI).
On 21 May, ICANN's CEO, Fadi Chehadé announced that he would leave his position in March 2016. Following his announcement, the NTIA released a short statement, noting, "A successful transition does not depend on the leadership of a single individual, but rather the engagement of the global multistakeholder community working collaboratively to ensure that the Internet remains open, secure, and resilient."
10 Jun 2015 | Last day for community comments on the translated versions of ICANNaccountability enhancements (Work Stream 1). |
11Jun 2015 | TheCWG-Stewardship presents revised version of its proposal to their chartering members (ALAC, ccNSO, GAC, GNSO, SSAC) for review and adoption. |
11-25 Jun 2015 | ALAC, ccNSO, GAC, GNSO, and SSACreview and consider adoption of CWG-Stewardship's revised proposal. |
5-18 Jun 2015 | TheCWG-Accountability reviews public comments on Work Stream 1 accountability enhancements and prepares documents for ICANN 53 briefings with the community. |
14 Jun 2015 | Deadline for numbers communityto comment on NRO's Draft Service Level Agreement (SLA) for the IANA Numbering Services |
29 Jun 2015 | ICANN staff submits a report of the public comments received on CCWG-Accountability's draft report on Work Stream 1-related ICANN accountability enhancements. |
21-25 Jun 2015 | All ICANN communities and other partiesmeet during ICANN 53 in Buenos Aires, and online via remote participation, to discuss the IANA Stewardship Transition in a number of cross-community as well as stakeholder-specific sessions. (See "IANAStewardship and ICANN Accountability discussions in Buenos Aires" table of events above). |
25 Jun 2015 | TheCWG-Stewardship delivers the final proposal on the naming related portion to theIANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG). |
20 Jul 2015 | TheCCWG-Accountabilitypublishes second, revised, version of draft report on Work Stream 1 accountability enhancements for public comment. |
29 Aug 2015 | Last day for community comments on the second draft of ICANN accountability enhancements (Work Stream 1). |
Aug-Sep 2015 | Community comment period on interim final proposal, consisting of names, numbers and protocol parameter components, as compiled by the ICG. |
30 Sep-15 Oct 2015 | ALAC, ASO, ccNSO, GAC and GNSOreview and consider adoption of the CCWG-Accountability's revised proposal. |
22 Oct 2015 | TheCCWG-Accountabilitypresents Work Stream 1 accountability enhancements report to the ICANN Board. |
Week 3, Oct 2015 | TheICGposts final combined proposal. |
Post-ICANN54, TBD | ICANN Board transmits final IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal to NTIA. |
9 June 2015 | CWG-Stewardship – Final version of names proposal, Version 6 |
29 May 2015 | ICG – Combined IANA Stewardship proposal, Version 0 |
27 May 2015 | ICG – IANA Stewardship Proposal Timeline Graphic, Version 11 ICANN – IANA Functions Usage Analysis |
4 Jun 2015 | США прибирают интернет к рукам: Конгресс США выступил против международного управления интернетом, газета.ru [RU] |
1 Jun 2015 | IANA Transition Bill Puts Community in the Driver's Seat, Bloomberg BNA [EN] |
25 May 2015 | Los riesgos de "más gobierno" en Internet Blogs ABC [ES] Internet-Verwaltung: "Die ICANN wurde um die IANA herum gebaut", Heise Online [DE] |
9 Jun 2015 | CCWG-Accountability Meeting #36, 6:00-9:00 UTC CWG-Stewardship Meeting #58, 17:00-19:00 UTC |
10 Jun 2015 | ICG Teleconference, 12:00-14:00 UTC |
11 Jun 2015 | Webinar: briefing on final CWG-Stewardship proposal, 6:00-07:30 UTC & 13:00- 14:30 UTC CWG-Stewardship Meeting #59, 11:00-12:00 UTC |
18-25 Jun 2015 | ICANN 53, including pre-meetings, Buenos Aires |
17-18 Jul 2015 | CCWG-Accountability Face-to-Face Meeting, Paris, France |
18-19 Sep 2015 | ICG Face-to-Face Meeting, TBC |
Original post here: https://www.icann.org/news/blog/volume-5-an-update-on-iana-stewardship-discussions-special-edition-on-the-icann-accountability-enhancements-draft
Volume 5: An Update on IANA Stewardship Discussions, Special Edition on theICANN Accountability Enhancements Draft
CCWG-Accountability draft now open for public comment
On 4 May, the Cross-Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (CCWG-Accountability) published its initial draft report on the elements of the ICANN accountability framework that it has identified as essential to happen, or be committed to, before the IANA Stewardship Transition takes place. This initial draft report will be open for public comment for 30 days. Following community input during the comment period and at ICANN 53 in Buenos Aires, the CCWG-Accountability will produce a second draft report for a 40-day public comment period in July.
The recommendations in the initial draft now out for comment are not presented as the consensus of the CCWG-Accountability. Instead, the CCWG-Accountability has published the draft to solicit feedback from the community on the CCWG-Accountability’s approach as well as guidance on several options under consideration.
The CCWG-Accountability initial draft report is the fourth major community developed proposal to undergo public consultation as a part of the IANA Stewardship Transition and Enhancing ICANNAccountability processes.
Comment on the draft report, with or without annexes, by 3 June 2015, 23:59 UTC (convert to your time zone):
To help better understand the contents and context of the draft proposal, you may wish to join one of thetwo following webinars live:
The webinars will also be transcribed and published from this CCWG-Accountability webpage in the six UN languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish).
Below is a summary of upcoming key meetings and processes specifically related to Work Stream 1 draft report and its interactions with the naming related portion of the IANA Stewardship Transition proposal. A list of dates associated with a wider range of stewardship transition related activities is included near the end of this report.
4 May 2015 | The CCWG-Accountability halts work on draft Work Stream 1 accountability enhancements. Work Stream 2 accountability work continues. |
20 May 2015 | Last day for community comments on the CWG-Stewardship second draft proposal. |
1 Jun 2015 | ICANN staff publishes report of public comments on the CWG-Stewardship’s second draft proposal. |
3 Jun 2015 | Last day for community comments on the ICANN accountability enhancements (Work Stream 1). |
4-29 Jun 2015 | ICANN staff compiles a report of the public comments received on CCWG-Accountability’s draft report on Work Stream 1-related ICANN accountability enhancements. |
5-18 Jun 2015 | The CCWG-Accountability reviews public comments on Work Stream 1 accountability enhancements and prepares documents for ICANN 53 briefings with the community. |
8 Jun 2015 | The CWG-Stewardship presents revised version of its proposal to their chartering members (Supporting Organizations and Advisory Councils) for review and adoption. |
8-25 Jun 2015 | ALAC, ccNSO, GAC and GNSO review and consider adoption of CWG-Stewardship’s revised proposal. |
19 Jun 2015 | The CCWG-Accountability meets for working session before ICANN 53. |
21-25 Jun 2015 | All ICANN communities and other parties interested in IANA meet during ICANN 53 in Buenos Aires, and online via remote participation, to discuss the IANA stewardship transition in a number of cross-community as well as stakeholder-specific sessions. (See preliminary schedule). |
25 Jun 2015 | The CWG-Stewardship delivers the final proposal on the naming related portion of the IANAStewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG). |
20 Jul 2015 | The CCWG-Accountability publishes second, revised, version of draft report on Work Stream 1 accountability enhancements for public comment. |
29 Aug 2015 | Last day for community comments on the second draft of ICANN accountability enhancements (Work Stream 1). |
30 Sep-15 Oct 2015 | ALAC, ASO, ccNSO, GAC and GNSO review and consider adoption of CCWG-Accountability’s revised proposal. |
22 Oct 2015 | The CCWG-Accountability present Work Stream 1 accountability enhancements report to the ICANN Board. |
On 30 April, the chairs of IETF, IAOC and IAB notified members of IANAPLAN of the status of work between IETF and ICANN regarding the annual SLA or Supplemental Agreement to the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between IETF and ICANN in relation to IANA’s performance of the protocol parameters function. Following that notification, there was much discussion on the IANAPLAN mailing listabout the possible reasons behind ICANN’s communication to IETF that it believed that agreeing to the proposed text of the SLA would possibly put ICANN in breach of its existing agreement with the NTIA. The discussion was forwarded on to the CWG-Stewardship mailing list and, in response, ICANN clarifiedthat the concerns it had expressed were not related to the proposed stewardship model for the protocol parameters function of IANA after the expiration of ICANN’s contract with NTIA, but were specifically related to constraints that applied solely while the current contract with NTIA remained in place. ICANNexpressed it did not want to pre-empt or create a perception of pre-empting any of the community consensus process around any areas in the finalization of the transition. A further email was posted to the CCWG-Accountability list by a member of the ICANN Board containing more information on the MoU and the process IETF can invoke to terminate the agreement.
As a result of the CRISP Team’s draft proposal for the numbers component of the IANA functions, the Number Resource Organization (NRO) has produced a Draft Service Level Agreement (SLA) for theIANA Numbering Services. The draft SLA, which has not been reviewed by the CRISP Team nor negotiated with any other parties, including ICANN, is available for comment until 14 June 2015. Comments received are archived on the NRO’s ianaxfer mailing list.
The ICG has announced that it has published its final process for how it will handle comments sent by members of the community to the ICG forum. Comments may be directly submitted to the ICG any time via icg-forum@ianacg.org. In response to the SLA-related discussions described in the sections above, the ICG has posted a statement on its homepage that encourages all interested parties, including ICANNstaff and Board members, to participate within the open, transparent processes being used by the three operational communities to transition the stewardship of the IANA functions away from NTIA. Board Chair, Steve Crocker, issued a response. The ICG has also created Twitter and Facebook accounts to assist with disseminating information about their activities.
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has written to the chairs of theICG and CCWG-Accountability requesting information on projected dates related to completing the transition proposal, as well as the estimated time to implement the transition, to assist the NTIA in planning for the transition. The NTIA has requested this information be communicated by the end of June.
On 13 May, the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet held a hearing titled Stakeholder Perspectives on ICANN: The .Sucks Domain and Essential Steps to Guarantee Trust and Accountability in the Internet's Operation. ICANN submitted written testimony for the record.
Later that afternoon, the U.S. House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee held a separate hearing titled, Stakeholder Perspectives on the IANA Transition. ICANN also submitted written testimony for the record in that hearing.
14 May 2015 | CWG-Stewardship Meeting #47, 11:00-13:00 UTC |
19 May 2015 | CCWG-Accountability Meeting #33, 6:00-8:00 UTC ICG Teleconference (TBC) CWG-Stewardship Meeting #48, 17:00-19:00 UTC |
21 May 2015 | CWG-Stewardship Meeting #49, 11:00-13:00 UTC |
26 May 2015 | CCWG-Accountability Meeting #34, 12:00-14:00 UTC CWG-Stewardship Meeting #50, 17:00-19:00 UTC |
28 May 2015 | CWG-Stewardship Meeting #51, 11:00-13:00 UTC |
28-29 May 2015 | |
2 Jun 2015 | CWG-Stewardship Meeting #52, 17:00-19:00 UTC CCWG-Accountability Meeting #35, 19:00-21:00 UTC |
4 Jun 2015 | CWG-Stewardship Meeting #53, 11:00-13:00 UTC |
14 Jun 2015 | Deadline for comments to NRO on Draft Service Level Agreement (SLA) for the IANANumbering Services |
18-19 Jun 2015 | ICG Face-to-Face Meeting, ICANN 53, Buenos Aires, all day |
19 Jun 2015 | CCWG-Accountability Working Session 1, ICANN 53, Buenos Aires, all day |
21-25 Jun 2015 | ICANN 53, Buenos Aires |
7 May 2015 | Dot What? The surprisingly interesting history of the Internet domain system, Slate [EN] |
6 May 2015 | |
5 May 2015 | Le Burkina veut participer aux instances de la gouvernance mondiale de l’internet, Burkina24 [FR] |
4 May 2015 | Internet in Ghana not controlled – Omane Boamah, Ghana Broadcasting Corporation [EN] ICANN will IANA dauerhaft betreiben, Heise Online [DE] |
Anyone can participate in discussions about the future of IANA’s stewardship and ICANN accountability.For information on joining CWG-Stewardship, contact grace.abuhamad@icann.org. For information on joining CCWG-Accountability, contact accountability-staff@icann.org.
On 22 April, the Cross-Community Working Group to Develop an IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions (CWG-Stewardship) published its second draft proposal on the naming related portion of the IANA Stewardship Transition for 28 days of public comments. The final push to develop the draft included a two-day face-to-face meeting in Istanbul, 26-27 March, two days of High Intensity Meetings, 13-14 April, and a further six hours of teleconferences between 15 and 21 April. Thefirst version of the draft proposal was published for public comment on 1 December 2014.
The draft proposal was developed in order to pave the way for a response (the Final Proposal) to theIANA Stewardship Coordination Group (ICG) request for proposals. This proposal is based on the premise that there is current satisfaction with ICANN's IANA department performance and that ICANN should remain the IANA Functions Operator. As a result, the CWG-Stewardship proposal includes six core elements, and several correlating actions to achieve those elements. To review the proposal, please visit the links below.
Comment on the draft proposal, with or without annexes, by 20 May 2015, 23:59 UTC (convert to your time zone):
Send comments in a format of your choosing (Note, however, that use of the template will assist CWG-Stewardship in analyzing and comparing community responses to the draft proposal).
To help better understand the contents and context of the draft proposal, you may wish to join one of thetwo following webinars live:
The webinars will also be transcribed and published from this CWG-Stewardship webpage in the six UN languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish).
Below is a summary of upcoming key meetings and processes specifically related to the naming related portion of the IANA Stewardship Transition proposal. A list of dates associated with a wider range of stewardship transition related activities is included near the end of this report.
22 Apr-20 May 2015 | CWG-Stewardship suspends further drafting on the proposal. |
20-31 May 2015 | ICANN staff compiles a report of the public comments received. |
30-31 May 2015 | CWG-Stewardship meets for an Intensive Work Weekend based on feedback from the public comment period. |
1 Jun 2015 | ICANN publishes report of public comments on the CWG-Stewardship's second draft proposal. |
8 Jun 2015 | CWG-Stewardship presents revised version of the proposal to its chartering members (Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees) for review and adoption. |
8-25 Jun 2015 | ALAC, ccNSO, GAC and GNSO review and consider adoption of CWG-Stewardship's revised proposal. |
21-25 Jun 2015 | All ICANN communities and other parties interested in the IANA Stewardship Transition meet during ICANN 53 in Buenos Aires, and online via remote participation, to discuss the IANA Stewardship Transition in a number of cross-community as well as stakeholder-specific sessions. (See preliminary schedule). |
25 Jun 2015 | CWG-Stewardship delivers the final proposal on the naming related portion of the IANAStewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG). |
In the interest of a more expedient review, the ICG may begin its evaluation of the CWG-Stewardship's proposal before it formally receives the proposal from the CWG-Stewardship on 25 June 2015. The ICGdoes not plan to make any formal decisions about the CWG-Stewardship proposal during ICANN 53 in Buenos Aires, but will be holding a two-day face-to-face meeting on 18-19 June prior to the meeting.
On 15 April, the CCWG-Accountability was contacted by the CWG-Stewardship Chairs to reinforce how important the CWG considers the CCWG's Work Stream 1 activities to its own work on the naming-related portion of the IANA Stewardship Transition proposal. The two groups have been coordinating closely and all the CWG's priorities are already on the CCWG's list of key deliverables. Although the CCWG-Accountability decided on a packed calendar of teleconferences to complete its Work Stream 1 activities in time for CWG-Stewardship's own work during its Istanbul meeting, there was robust discussion on the CCWG-Accountability's mailing list about whether the planned series of teleconferences was too ambitious and time consuming for participants, and the CCWG-Accountability decided to proceed with the call schedule. The structure of the CCWG-Accountability's draft report, with links to section that have been drafted to date, is available. A public comment period is anticipated to launch at the beginning of May.
On 13 April 2015, ICANN published responses to Questions for the Record received from members of the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation following the hearing, Preserving the Multistakeholder Model of Internet Governance. The hearing focused on the IANA Stewardship Transition and the changes to ICANN accountability needed to facilitate that transition. The follow-up questions were related to ICANN accountability, the role of the community in ICANN policy and decision-making, ICANN's jurisdiction in relation to the Affirmation of Commitments, a specific new gTLDapplication, and the role of ICANN in regard to how registrars and registries deter illegal activity in domain names under their management. ICANN also published a response to a separate Question for the Record from Senator Klobuchar about stress testing the accountability proposals.
Note: The ICG does not plan to hold regular teleconferences during May 2015.
23 Apr 2015 | CCWG-Accountability Intensive Working Day 1, 4:00-6:00; 11:00-12:00; 19:00-22:00 UTC |
24 Apr 2015 | CCWG-Accountability Intensive Working Day 2, 8:00-10:00; 13:00-14:00; 16:00-19:00 UTC |
30 Apr 2015 | CWG-Stewardship Meeting #43, 11:00-13:00 UTC |
5 May 2015 | CWG-Stewardship Meeting #44, 17:00-19:00 UTC |
7 May 2015 | CWG-Stewardship Meeting #45, 11:00-13:00 UTC |
12 May 2015 | CWG-Stewardship Meeting #46, 17:00-19:00 UTC |
14 May 2015 | CWG-Stewardship Meeting #47, 11:00-13:00 UTC |
18-19 Jun 2015 | ICG Face-to-Face Meeting, ICANN 53, Buenos Aires, all day |
21-25 Jun 2015 | ICANN 53, Buenos Aires |
21 Apr 2015 | CCWG-Accountability – Legal Assessment - Proposed Accountability Mechanisms, a preliminary response from Sidley Austin |
18 Apr 2015 | CCWG-Accountability – Legal Assessment - Governance Chart, a revision by Sidley Austin |
16 Apr 2015 | CCWG-Accountability – Compilation of all Legal Questions asked to date and status of discussion on each question. |
15 Apr 2015 | CCWG-Accountability – Governance Models & Community Powers.pdf |
23 Apr 2015 | ICANN Accountability – What's on the Table, Really?, Centre for Communication Governance, National Law University Delhi [EN] |
20 Apr 2015 | 抓住域名“移权”契机,唱响国际互联网治理的“中国好声音”, CNII [CN] |
17 Apr 2015 | Washington peu disposée à renoncer au contrôle d'Internet, EurActiv.fr, [FR] |
Anyone can participate in discussions about the future of IANA's stewardship and ICANN accountability. For information on joining CWG-Stewardship, contact grace.abuhamad@icann.org. For information on joining CCWG-Accountability, contact accountability-staff@icann.org.
Compiled on behalf of ICANN by Samantha Dickinson 24 April 2015
This update can also be found here: https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/iana-stewardship-discussion-2015-04-24-en
ICANN is compiling bi-weekly updates on the community discussions and progress of the IANAStewardship Transition and Enhancing ICANN Accountability Processes. This information is positioned to help inform interested stakeholders in the recent developments in the processes, upcoming key dates, latest documents and drafts and a snapshot of any news coverage that occurs over the timeframe.
CCWG-Accountability progress in Istanbul
31 Mar 2015 | CCWG-Accountability Meeting #18, 6:00 UTC |
2 Apr 2015 | CWG-Stewardship Meeting #33, 17:00-19:00 UTC |
7 Apr 2015 | CCWG-Accountability Meeting #19, 19:00UTC |
10 Apr 2015 | Deadline for CWG-Stewardship Design Teams to provide content |
13-14 Apr 2015 | CWG-Stewardship intensive working days |
14 Apr 2015 | CCWG-Accountability Meeting #20, 12:00UTC |
20 Apr 2015 | Public Comment period for CWG-Stewardship draft proposal begins |
21 Apr 2015 | CCWG-Accountability Meeting #21, 6:00UTC |
20 May 2015 | Public Comment period for CWG-Stewardship draft proposal ends |
30 May 2015 | CWG-Stewardship High-Intensity Weekend |
8 Jun 2015 | CWG-Stewardship delivers names proposal to ICANN SOs & ACs |
18-19 Jun 2015 | ICG Face-to-Face Meeting, ICANN 53, Buenos Aires |
25 Jun 2015 | CWG-Stewardship delivers names proposal to ICG |
24 Mar 2015 | CWG-Stewardship - Overview Handout from Istanbul Face-to-Face meeting [PDF, 1.2 MB] |
27 Mar 2015 | CCWG-Accountability - Sidley Preliminary Draft Responses to CCWG Legal Sub-team Questionnaire [PDF, 821 KB] |
| CCWG-Accountability - Adler Colvin Preliminary Responses to CCWG Legal Sub-team[PDF, 122 KB] |
18 Mar 2015 | CWG- Stewardship - Draft Transition Plan V2.2.1 [DOCX, 168 KB] |
15 Mar 2015 | CWG-Stewardship - Sidley Preliminary Draft Response to legal questions [PDF, 155 KB] |
25 Mar 2015 | Temi importanti per i proprietari di marchi, Inside Marketing [IT] |
16 Mar 2015 | IANA機能の監督権限の移管について, JPNIC [JP] |
9 Mar 2015 | Mutations dans la gouvernance de l'internet dans le monde: Les Etats africains invités à faire des propositions, Le Soleil [FR] |
8 Mar 2015 | "互联网+":法律政策怎么加?, 经济观察网 [CN] |
Anyone can participate in discussions about the future of IANA's stewardship and ICANN accountability. For information on joining CWG-Stewardship, contact grace.abuhamad@icann.org. For information on joining CCWG-Accountability, contact accountability-staff@icann.org.
Compiled on behalf of ICANN by Samantha Dickinson | 31 March 2015
This update can also be found here: https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/iana-stewardship-discussion-2015-03-31-en
ICANN is compiling bi-weekly updates on the community discussions and progress of the IANAStewardship Transition and Enhancing ICANN Accountability Processes. This information is positioned to help inform interested stakeholders in the recent developments in the processes, upcoming key dates, latest documents and drafts and a snapshot of any news coverage that occurs over the timeframe.
Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
On 25 February, a U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation hearing,Preserving the Multistakeholder Model of Internet Governance, focused on the IANA Stewardship Transition and the changes to ICANN's accountability needed to facilitate that transition. There were three witnesses before the hearing: Lawrence Strickling, NTIA Administrator, ICANNPresident and CEO Fadi Chehadé and U.S. Ambassador David Gross on behalf of the Internet Governance Coalition. The witnesses were asked about the relationship of the IANA stewardship transition to a variety of issues, including intellectual property rights, net neutrality, human rights online, openness and innovation, international diplomacy and U.S. security.
Senate Committee On Appropriations, Subcommittee On Commerce, Justice, Science, And Related Agencies
On 27 February, during the Subcommittee's hearing, Financial Year 2016 Department of Commerce Budget, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker was asked why there was a need to remove the U.S. Government from the IANA stewardship role. The webcast can be viewed here.
19 Mar 2015 | CWG-Stewardship Meeting #30, 11:00-13:00 UTC |
23-24 Mar 2015 | CCWG-Accountability Face-to-Face Meeting, Istanbul |
25 Mar 2015 | ICG Call #14, 20:00-21:00 UTC |
26-27 Mar 2015 | CWG-Stewardship Face-to-Face Meeting (Meetings #31 & #32), Istanbul |
18-19 Jun 2015 | ICG Face-to-Face Meeting, ICANN 53, Buenos Aires |
10 Mar 2015 | CCWG Accountability - Draft Legal Scoping Document |
7 Mar 2015 | CCWG Accountability Stress Test Work Party - Draft 7: Using Stress Tests to evaluate existing & proposed accountability measures |
9 Mar 2015 | CWG Stewardship - Draft of Principles and Criteria that Should Underpin Decisions on the Transition of NTIA Stewardship |
26 Feb 2015 | CWG Stewardship - Draft Transition Plan version 2 [PDF, 232 KB] ICG - Process Timeline version 8 |
27 Feb 2015 | Internet, Stati Uniti a marcia indietro: in pericolo la nuova governance, corrierecomunicazioni.it, [IT] |
26 Feb 2015 | 奥巴马不会把互联网控制权交给中国, Qiushi [CN] Internet-Verwaltung: Schlagabtausch im US-Senat zur IANA-Reform, Heise Online [DE] |
Anyone can participate in discussions about the future of IANA's stewardship and ICANN accountability.For information on joining CWG-Stewardship, contact grace.abuhamad@icann.org. For information on joining CCWG-Accountability, contact accountability-staff@icann.org.
This update can also be found here: https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/iana-stewardship-discussion-2015-03-17-en
Compiled on behalf of ICANN by Samantha Dickinson | 17 March 2015
ICANN is compiling bi-weekly updates on the community discussions and progress of the IANA Stewardship Transition and Enhancing ICANN Accountability Processes. This information is positioned to help inform interested stakeholders in the recent developments in the processes, upcoming key dates, latest documents and drafts and a snapshot of any news coverage that occurs over the timeframe.
During ICANN 52 in Singapore, between 6 and 12 February, more than 41 hours were spent on discussions around the IANA stewardship transition and related ICANN accountability processes. The discussions consisted of:
The community-wide sessions provided online participation mechanisms and were webcast and transcribed live. Transcripts and audio of all sessions, including those not transcribed live, are now available online.
More detailed information about post-ICANN 52 work in the ICG, CWG-Stewardship, and CCWG-Accountability will follow in the next update.
On 12 February, a short statement from the ICANN Board was published. The key section of the statement is included below:
"ICANN is expecting to receive both proposals [from the ICG and CCWG Accountability] at roughly the same time. When ICANN receives these proposals, we will forward them promptly and without modification to NTIA. As we have previously stated, if we do submit the proposals with an accompanying communication of comments, they will be on points we had already shared with the community during the development of the proposals. […] With respect to improvements in our accountability, we are definitely open to improvements."
At its 15 February meeting, the ISOC Board stressed that "successful transition will reinforce the value of the collaborative, multistakeholder model", with the Board Chair noting that the process "is a true reflection of the power of the multistakeholder approach to bring parties together to solve complex problems".
During the ITU's Member States-only Council Working Group on International Internet-related Public Policy Issues (CWG-Internet), 2-3 February, one Member State proposed including theIANA stewardship transition as a topic for open consultations preceding the CWG-Internet's next meeting in October, with the aim of CWG-Internet providing input into the IANA stewardship process. There was support from some States at the meeting to hold such a consultation while others were opposed. Therefore, the topic will not proceed to public consultation. However, supporting States indicated they might suggest the IANA stewardship transition as a topic again at the October meeting for the CWG-Internet's subsequent open consultation.
24 Feb 2015 | CWG-Stewardship Meeting #23, 17:00-19:00 CCWG-Accountability meeting #14, 19:00-21:00 UTC |
25 Feb 2015 | ICG Call #12, 4:00-5:30 UTC Preserving the Multistakeholder Model of Internet Governance – US Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation hearing on IANAstewardship, 15:00 UTC |
26 Feb 2015 | CWG-Stewardship Meeting #24, 11:00-13:00 UTC |
3 Mar 2015 | CCWG-Accountability meeting #15, 12:00-14:00 UTC CWG-Stewardship Meeting #25, 17:00-19:00 UTC |
4 Mar 2015 | Update on the IANA Stewardship Transition Process – ISOC webinar 14:00 UTC |
5 Mar 2015 | CWG-Stewardship Meeting #26, 11:00-13:00 UTC |
23-24 Mar 2015 | CCWG-Accountability Face-to-Face meeting. Details to be confirmed. |
26-27 Mar 2015 | CWG-Stewardship Face-to-Face meeting. Details to be confirmed. |
10 Feb 2015 | ICANN 52: Where does the IANA transition and Internet governance go from here?, National Law University Delhi [EN] |
10 Feb 2015 | The last third: Why the IANA transition for names is hard, Internet Governance Project [EN] |
13 Feb 2015 | ICANN-Tagung: Experten fordern von den USA unabhängige IANA, Heise Online [DE] |
20 Feb 2015 | ICANN 52 reflection, InternetNZ [EN] |
Anyone can participate in discussions about the future of IANA's stewardship and ICANN accountability. For information on joining CWG-Stewardship, contact grace.abuhamad@icann.org. For information on joining CCWG-Accountability, contact accountability-staff@icann.org.
This update can also be found here: https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/iana-stewardship-discussion-2015-02-24-en
Compiled on behalf of ICANN by Samantha Dickinson | 23 February 2015