Members: Avri Doria, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Donna Austin, Eduardo Diaz, Elise Lindeberg, Erick Iriarte, Graeme Bunton, Greg Shatan, Jonathan Robinson, Lise Fuhr, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Paul Kane, Seun Ojedeji, Staffan Jonson, Vika Mpisane (15)
Participants: Alan Greenberg, Allan MacGillivray, Boyoung Kim, Chris Disspain, Christina Monti, Chuck Gomes, Desiree Miloshevic, Dwi Elfrida, Gary Hunt, James Gannon, Jan Scholte, Jordan Carter, Jorge Cancio, Konstantinos Komaitis, Leon Sanchez, Maarten Simon, Markus Kummer, Martin Boyle, Mary Uduma, Mathieu Weill, Matthew Shears, Pedro Ivo Silva, Peter Van Roste, Pitinan Kooarmornpatana, Sarah Falvey, Stephanie Duchesneau, Wolf-Ulrich Knoben, Wolfgang Kleinwaechter (28)
Staff: Grace Abuhamad, Marika Konings, Berry Cobb, Theresa Swinehart, David Conrad, Alice Jansen, Adam Peake, Brenda Brewer, Bernard Turcotte, Cory Schruth, Mike Brennan, Jim Trengrove
Apologies: Jaap Akkerhuis, Robert Guerra
**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
Welcome & Rules of Engagement (Jonathan, Lise)
CCWG-Accountability Update (Leon, Thomas, Avri)
DT-A Service Level Expectations (Paul)
Welcome & Rules of Engagement
CCWG-Accountability Update
Action (Cheryl): CWG to review CCWG stress tests to ensure that these address questions previously raised and/or consider whether additional stress tests/requirements need to be included. Also consider how these relate to RFP 4 work.
Action: CWG to scope and specify the IANA budget requirements (as part of existing or possibly new DT)
DT-A Service Level Expectations
Action: Confirm that SLEs are realistic from IANA / Root Zone Maintainer perspective.
Action (Cheryl): CWG to review CCWG stress tests to ensure that these address questions previously raised and/or consider whether additional stress tests/requirements need to be included. Also consider how these relate to RFP 4 work.
Action: CWG to scope and specify the IANA budget requirements (as part of existing or possibly new DT)
Action: Confirm that SLEs are realistic from IANA / Root Zone Maintainer perspective.
Transcript CWG IANA F2F Session 1 26 March.doc
Transcript CWG IANA F2F Session 1 26 March.pdf
The Adobe Connect recording is available here:
The audio recording is available here:
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:morning :-) :-) :-)
Brenda Brewer:Hello!
Brenda Brewer:Welcome to Day 1 Session 1 of the CWG IANA Face to Face Meetings.
Brenda Brewer:Hello Seun. We can hear you.
Thomas Rickert, CCWG Co-Chair:Good morning. There is silence on the audio bridge. Have you started?
Mary Uduma:Goodmorning All from Abuja. Preparing to cast my vote.
Mike Brennan:Good morning, we have not yet started. We should be doing so shortly.
Thomas Rickert, CCWG Co-Chair:Thanks, Mike!
Mike Brennan:No problem!
Grace Abuhamad:Is audio working for you in AC?
Thomas Rickert, CCWG Co-Chair:Audio is great on the audio bridge!
Mary Uduma:Yes I can hear you loud and clear
Jordan Carter (.nz, participant):Good morning folks
Grace Abuhamad:I'll post the link here
Grace Abuhamad:
Grace Abuhamad:All the documents on the reading list will be used today
Mary Uduma:Thanks Grace, the orientaaion document was very helpful as I read through the contents
Grace Abuhamad:Great! Thanks for the feedback @Mary
Thomas Rickert, CCWG Co-Chair:Lise's audio is breaking up...
Peter Van Roste - ccTLDs:Audio gone.
Grace Abuhamad:one moment we are fixing
Thomas Rickert, CCWG Co-Chair:Jonathan was fine. Maybe Lise can try to use Jonathan's mike
Staffan Jonson:Good morning all
Greg Shatan:Audio is fine in the room in Istanbul....
Mary Uduma:Better audio now
Brenda Brewer:Seun Ojedeji is on the audio line at this time.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Brenda - understood - thanks!
Jordan Carter (.nz, participant):Am in attendance here mainly to try and make sure the links between CWG and CCWG are strong
James Gannon [GNSO-NCSG]:Good morning eevryone
Grace Abuhamad:I synced the slides so that everyone can follow theslides in the room. I will unsync them when the presentation is over
Greg Shatan (GNSO/CSG/IPC):@Grace -- good idea...
Mary Uduma:Ok Grace will it be posted online after the presentation?
Grace Abuhamad:yes Mary. I'll upload it ASAP and post the link
Mary Uduma:Great thanks@ Grace
Matthew Shears:the standing committee is but one of a number of options under review
Graeme Bunton - RrSG:This slide is a picture of a slide.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:next slide?
Grace Abuhamad:The slides are now unsynced
James Gannon [GNSO-NCSG]:yes
Mary Uduma:yes
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:that would be an ideal outcome IMO... To blend I to a cohesive and articulate single set, the contingencies and associated Stress Testing that both CWG (from prev RFP-4 work) and that now well advanced from the Accountability work of the CCWG
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:absolutely agree @avri re ST's. etc.,
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:agree @chuck. the Review Process. ... an Agile and Effective one.... is essential
Thomas Rickert, CCWG Co-Chair:Providing us with the details on the budget you requie was an action item for your group from the Singapore meeting.
Thomas Rickert, CCWG Co-Chair:We are more than happy to include your requirements.
Chris Disspain:Good idea Thomas
Leon Sanchez:From the CCWG Charter: Accountability for the administration of the IANA functions (i.e., implementation and operational accountability) is not within the scope of the CCWG-Accountability as it is being dealt with by the CWG-Stewardship.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:exactly @avri this group has additional and specific requirements
Matthew Shears:have we recieved any futher IANA budget information following commitments by ICANN finance to make it available in Singapore?
Jordan Carter (.nz, participant):I won't make a verbal intervention but Greg's point is important - we know in CCWG that we need to have an escalation path across the suite of accountability mehcnaisms that is workable and properly "graded"
Matthew Shears:+ 1 Greg - if we have to escalate to spill the board it means that our other accountability measures will have - one might argue - failed OR that things are truly beyond repair
Jordan Carter (.nz, participant):We haven't done that design testing yet but we will, and it's also worth noting that the powers presented here are only a summary.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:well said @martin
Chris Disspain:I thought that Chuck's team were working on escalation mechanisms for IANA issues.
Leon Sanchez:Yes @Jordan, there's far more work behind what's being presented as summary and of course far more work to be done ahead
Greg Shatan (GNSO/CSG/IPC):Jordan, I consider escalations more than design testing, they are a need in and of themselves and much more likely to be used than the nuclear options.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yup DT-M does focus on that....
James Gannon [GNSO-NCSG]:+1 Avris and to Chucks suggestion
Seun Ojedeji:is any of the ccwg/cwg supposed to be reviewing the budject substance directly? i thought those group are just to develop mechanisms....
Greg Shatan (GNSO/CSG/IPC):Escalation does not equal failure of our processes. It's not like "nuclear escalation." It's just a methodology for confronting an issue and then moving it up the ladder if the first level of engagement on an issue doesn't resolve the issue.
Seun Ojedeji:So if we will be revieiwng the 2016 budget just to identify things that can help improve on our proposal fine. However if its to directly challenge ICANN on the content of the budget...its a NO from me
Leon Sanchez:@Greg, remember the CCWG work is divided in WS1 and WS2. Escalation can be further developed in WS2 so far as the power is in place with WS1
Greg Shatan (GNSO/CSG/IPC):Leon, I don't think that's a good idea. The lower level powers are equally necessary and more likely to be used.
Matthew Shears:+ 1 Greg
Martin Boyle, Nominet:@Greg: I'd say it is if we have to go from iana into wider ICANN mechanisms: We should aim at resolving problems
Martin Boyle, Nominet:My concern is that escalation is a failure of customer-supplier relations
Jordan Carter (.nz, participant):I do want to assure people that we will be talking about the escalation paths between WS1 mechanisms as part of finalising WS1 proposals. That job of making sure the suite of powers is coherent won't be left to WS2.
Greg Shatan (GNSO/CSG/IPC):Martin, I agree with you -- which is we have our own "escalations."
Paul Kane:Martin +1
Paul Kane:Or is could be injection by IANA to impact the ccTLD Operations
Avri Doria (gnso-ncsg):Want to add that we discussd adding the WS2 commitments as a part of the bylaws results of WS1.
Martin Boyle, Nominet:Confusion of terminology? Could we introduce a "resolution" role?
Martin Boyle, Nominet:then escalation is to wider accountability
Greg Shatan (GNSO/CSG/IPC):Hopefully, the "usual contacts" can resolve issues, which is usually Level 0 of escalations. But if it doesn't you need to have a next level. Commercially, that might bring in the next managerial level on both sides, then executive level, then mediation, sometimes with cooling off periods in between.
Grace Abuhamad:All -- we will edit this document live as we progress through DTs. We will post the document after we go through theDTs and make the edits.
Greg Shatan (GNSO/CSG/IPC):I agree that if it gets to an IRP, then there is a significant failure of the lower level escalations.
Martin Boyle, Nominet:Next levels are still in the customers' role: finding out why the issue and planning a resolution with the supplier, making sure it is resourced
Martin Boyle, Nominet:When we escalate, it becomes something more - it is then about [become a?] systemic failure
Seun Ojedeji:do we have the slides somewhere online?
Matthew Shears:yes, Martin, and somethng that the functions should be isolated from
Marika Konings:@Seun - I'll share these now with the list
Seun Ojedeji:Great thanks @Marika
Grace Abuhamad:Please note that we are editing these live, so the version Marika will post is the v.1.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:thx Grace
Seun Ojedeji:okay...noted @Grace
Martin Boyle, Nominet:@ Matthew - if it is part of a systemic problem that ICANN does not want to address, then escalation is appropriate and might be the only course. In most cases, it is a matter of addressing the tangible problem (resourcing, clarification on policy...).
Matthew Shears:agree
Graeme Bunton - RrSG:Good point Chuck
Greg Shatan (GNSO/CSG/IPC):This is why we need escalations and remedies less severe than spilling the board.
Greg Shatan (GNSO/CSG/IPC):General observation: we focus too much on the board and too little on management.
Matthew Shears:+ 1
Jordan Carter (.nz, participant):I would never support the community being able to spill the CEO.
Jordan Carter (.nz, participant):The CEO works for teh Board, they are accountable for the CEO.
Greg Shatan (GNSO/CSG/IPC):Would you spill the entire board if the CEO was the problem?
Greg Shatan (GNSO/CSG/IPC):This is a hypothetical.
Seun Ojedeji:+1 to Jordan as well on Spilling the CEO
James Gannon [GNSO-NCSG]:I think Gregs piint was around accountability of staff is expectations are not met.
Seun Ojedeji:the CEO is accountable to the board
James Gannon [GNSO-NCSG]:*point
Greg Shatan (GNSO/CSG/IPC):@James -- correct.
Martin Boyle, Nominet:wouldn't the Board be expected to respond to big issues by firing the CEO or docking his bonus, before it gets anywhere near sacking the Board
Greg Shatan (GNSO/CSG/IPC):@Martin -- I would certainly hope so.
Chris Disspain:I will say this when we get to talk about it but for clarity now, the equivalent to the community is members or shareholders and they DO NOT manage the staff - the Board manages the staff and the boadr is accountable to the members/, with respect, the escalation to the Board is precisiely the right way and having the community 'manage' the staff is precisely the wrong way.
Greg Shatan (GNSO/CSG/IPC):We may need to work through the board, but staff performance issues aren't going to be solved by spilling the Board. You spill the Board if they can't fix the mgmt problem.
Matthew Shears:I thought the Board manages the CEO and the CEO manages the staff - if the Board is managing the staff there is an issue
Chris Disspain:@ Greg - you spill the Board if the Board doesn't solve the management problem
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yes @matthew
Chris Disspain:and @Matthew - yes you are correct
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:as I understand it at least
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Are new response times *necessary* for the transition?
Chris Disspain:what you don't do is by-pass the Board
Greg Shatan (GNSO/CSG/IPC):@Chris - I agree fully and actually just typed that before you did. So we are in violent agreement.
Chris Disspain:yay!
Greg Shatan (GNSO/CSG/IPC):I'll buy you a discounted drink for that.
Chris Disspain:hehe
Cheryl Langdon-Orr::-) :-) :-) :-)
Chris Disspain:I never drink discounted drinks!
Greg Shatan (GNSO/CSG/IPC):Hat tip to Cheryl for pointing out the drinks discount on the neck of each water bottle.
Greg Shatan (GNSO/CSG/IPC):For you Chris, a full price drink, then. Top shelf, even.
James Gannon [GNSO-NCSG]:@Chris I dont think the community wants to manage staff. But what the sharehoders want to know if how those staff are held responsible for managing SLE's without nessesarily going as far as spilling the board for redress.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:and 20% off my refreshing cocktail on L34 after yesterday was appreciated..
James Gannon [GNSO-NCSG]:And now I see the coversation with Chris and Greg that addressed my comment =)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:OK with both those changes fine by AI's and for inclusion into PC DRAFT
Greg Shatan (GNSO/CSG/IPC):Reality check, please.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Legally speaking how do SLEs compare with SLAs? If SLA breach there is legal standing for taking action. If SLE breach, is there legal standing too?
Seun Ojedeji:+1 to that comment as well....maintaining what is existing is important
Grace Abuhamad:*clapping in room*
Grace Abuhamad:Reconvening in 15min
Seun Ojedeji:okay