RFP5 meeting of the CWG-Stewardship -  Wednesday January 7th 2015 from 21:00  22:00 UTC

Time zone converter here    |     Adobe Connecthttps://icann.adobeconnect.com/cwg-stewardship/


Subgroup Members: 



**Please let Grace know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**


Action Items



The Adobe Connect recording is available here: 

The audio recording is available here:

Documents Presented

Chat Transcript


Draft Agenda

0.  All WT Members are expected to have reviewed our last call on Dec 30th;  the notes, recording, and chat transcript are available on the meeting page here: Meeting #3 CWG RFP5 (30 December)
1. Welcome; Attendance and Apologies (3-5 mins)
2.  Review of Action items from last call (5-10 mins)
Below is a summary of the action items: 









3.  Update from RFP-3&4 activities @Avri Doria (5- 10 mins)

4.  Discussion and input into section 5 drafting (25-30mins)  see Drafting Wiki Page  To be displayed during this meeting and the CWG one this week.

Discussion points re input into section 5 drafting

5.  AOB (3-5 min)

6. Review any Action Items (5mins)

7. Next call(s) (3-5mins)

Notes and Action Items



Call closes at