Subgroup Members: Alan Greenberg, Allan MacGillivray, Avri Doria, Brenden Kuerbis, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Donna Austin, Eduardo Diaz, Elise Lindeberg, Gary Campbell, Gary Hunt, Graeme Bunton, Greg Shatan, Jaap Akkerhuis, John Poole, Lars Erik Forsberg, Martin Boyle, Matthew Shears, Milton Mueller, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Philip Corwin, Seun Ojedeji, Sivasubramanian Muthusamy, Stephanie Duchesneau
Staff: Grace Abuhamad, Marika Konings, Brenda Brewer, Bernard Turcotte, Berry Cobb
Apologies: Christopher Wilkinson; Steve Crocker
**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
RFP 3 Meeting - 26 January 2015
1. Welcome
2. Roll Call
Attendance will be taken from AC room
On audio only: Siva
3. Review Structural Analysis - Contract Co.
Entity Status of Contract Co.
Relationship to ICANN
Relationship to MRT
Organizational Documentation
Composition of Board
Term lengths / limits
How will decisions be made
Support needs
When would the Board meet
Further legal advice will be needed to assess viability of Contract Co. option. - any suggestions for legal counsel are welcome.
The Adobe Connect recording is available here:
The audio recording is available here:
Brenda Brewer:Welcome to the CWG RFP3 call on 26 January at 21:00 UTC.
Gary Campbell:Hi Brenda
Brenda Brewer:Hi Gary!
Gary Campbell:How are you?
Brenda Brewer:I'm great thank you, and you?
Eduardo Diaz - (ALAC):¡hola a todos!
Gary Campbell:I am great
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:hello
Brenda Brewer:Hi Avri! you sound loud and clear.
Avri Doria:thanks Brenda
Matthew Shears:Hello!
Lars Erik Forsberg GAC:Hello everyone
Martin Boyle, Nominet:Hi all
Grace Abuhamad:Hi all !
Avri Doria:does this chart include the functions or is that another chart.?
Avri Doria:i guess it is another chart.
Martin Boyle, Nominet:I hope that this organisation is not acruing money at all
Alan Greenberg (ALAC):What it does is sort of referred to under Organizational Documentation.
Mil:Avri, you apply for TAX EXEMPT status you do not apply for nonprofit status
Greg Shatan:I think the idea is it would not be funded or it would be minimally funded to the smallest amount necessary.
Alan Greenberg (ALAC):I thought that Non-profit is a characteristic. Charitable status is what is applied for.
Alan Greenberg (ALAC):And tax-free status also a separate issue
Avri Doria:got it. thanks
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:Are we not getting legal experts to tell us all about this
Alan Greenberg (ALAC):I beleive that tax-exempt does not imply charitable (able to issue receipts for donations).
Donna Austin, RySG:@Bernie, I hope we are.
Avri Doria:unless it charges, all of its dfunds are going to come from charitable donations. i would assume.
Alan Greenberg (ALAC):@Avri, I would not assume that.
Alan Greenberg (ALAC):From the perspective of the source of the finds, it does not make a lot of difference. It is either an expense or a donation, both tend to be tax deductible. Charitable status really has import when you are looking for donations from individuals.
Martin Boyle, Nominet:@Avri: I can't see how they would be, especially if we were to transfer funding from icann. So I can see a NfP organisation, but not a tax-exempt or charitable trust
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:so I gather this contract co would need to subscribe liability insurance for those involved?
Avri Doria:Why Deleaware?
Avri Doria:Are the legal implications good in del?
Mil:that is key, we don't want to concentrate too much authority in one jurisdiction
Lars Erik Forsberg GAC:So why not outside the USA?
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:There is no argument when it comes to maple syrup
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:Québec is it
Mil:it could be Lars, but we need specifics at this point, so people know what kind of law they are dealing with and what characteristics it has
Avri Doria:i prefer RI Maple.
Brenden Kuerbis:Can we capture that "diveristy of jurisdiction" as requirement that legal advisors can provide input on?
Martin Boyle, Nominet:so we need a jurisdiction with sticky laws?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Switzerland!
Mil:and central NY does really good maple syrup, too
Martin Boyle, Nominet:@Brenden +1
Mil:what does "sticky" law mean?
Mil:Donna - that is not an issue. Contract Co des not issue registry or registrar contracts
Matthew Shears:+ 1 Donna
Martin Boyle, Nominet:Wading through treacle might be a better though, Mil
Avri Doria:so litgation would be in Deleware? according to Deleware law..
Sivasubramanian M:The idea of a $1 Delaware company formed to award the IANA contract - highly susceptible to external criticsm
Mil:Siva, only by people who don't know anything about what we are doing
Donna Austin, RySG:@Mil (is this Milton?) I understand but it still could be an argument that resonates with registries, but I don't know for sure.
Lars Erik Forsberg GAC:But Delaware is also a-famous for money laundry
Sivasubramanian M:Yes, I am more concerned about criticsm from those quarters
Sivasubramanian M:That was @ Mil
Avri Doria:in movies at least.
Mil:one key issue here is that the jurisidction of Contract Co should not be confused with the jurisdiction of ICANN.
Alan Greenberg (ALAC):Can "Mil" please identify themselves? Unless you are someone's mother-in-law.
Mil:Yes, Mil = Milton
Mil:typed my name in a bit too fast
Avri Doria:good handle. never seen anyone use it before.
Alan Greenberg (ALAC):Pulldown menu to right of "Attenddees" title lets you change it
Mil:Since it irritates you I will keep it that way
Sivasubramanian M:I favor a solution without ContractCo but if a ContractCo or MRT is ever to be incoprated, at least choose a jurisdiction that is not thought of lightly.
Mil:I like the Mother in Law identity
Mil:Delaware is thought of so heavily that it holds more multinational corps than any other jurisdiction in the world
Alan Greenberg (ALAC):I LIKE that. Let's be a religious order!
Mil:I am not an advocate of Delaware per se, but if someone doesn't like it they have to propose a specific jurisdiction
Mil:But would membership makes its accountability to MRT more airtight?
Matthew Shears:I agree membership in ContractCo is not ideal
Brenden Kuerbis:I don't think we want any way for the Contract Co to receive instructions that deviate from MRT instructions.
Matthew Shears:+1 Brebden
Matthew Shears:Brenden
Mother in Law:yes that sounds uncontroverisla
Mother in Law:uncontroversial
Mother in Law:listen to your moether
Mother in Law:both
Seun:Isn't the relationship more than signing contract, where does contract co get its resources from? like funding?
Seun:I see there is funding on the next page though
Matthew Shears:doesn't funding come from the operator? does it need funding?
Mother in Law:ICANN is California NPPB law, Delaware law is different
Alan Greenberg (ALAC):NGPC is a subcommittee OF the Board.
Mother in Law:Why can't the MRT be the Contract Co?
Mother in Law:i.e. its board?
Alan Greenberg (ALAC):@Mother, it can, but then we have rebuilt a new flvour of ICANN.
Alan Greenberg (ALAC):flavour
Alan Greenberg (ALAC):or flavor fo those in thhe US
Seun:@Matthew the way I understand the current NTIA contract is that its cost free (to ICANN). It feels there is a lot of dependence on the operator.
Mother in Law:ICANN forces its registry and registrar contractees to indemnify it
Mother in Law:Alan, I don't see how a contract co is another flabor of ICANN.
Matthew Shears:not really a new flavor of ICANN alan - the MRT has a very limited remit has nothing to do with policymaking which is ICANN's main role in the Internet ecosystem
Mother in Law:It has a very limited mission
Alan Greenberg (ALAC):If the MRT is the CC Board, it IS defacto a new MS org.
Mother in Law:on indemnification: the old phrase, "what's good for the goose is good for the gander" comes to mind
Matthew Shears:MRT is supposed to be MS
Mother in Law:and ALAC pushed for it to be MS
Alan Greenberg (ALAC):Yes, the MRT is MS, but CC is not supposed to be a new MS org.
Brenden Kuerbis:No, it is not supposed to be a new ICANN (i.e., policy making)
jaap akkerhuis (SSAC):I have to drop off, bye
Mother in Law:Right, Brenden, ICANN expands and is complex primarily because of the complexity and buzzy boundaries of policy making and policy implementation via contract. I don't see how Contract Co follows that trajectory
Matthew Shears:I think this is an important question - MRT and ConCo are one - to get counsel on as well
Seun:sorry where will the contract co board members be formed from, I mean will they be elected, selected, appointed etc and by whom?
Avri Doria:In the beginning did people thimg that ICANn had a policy making function? I wasn't there, so don't know.
Mother in Law:Alan, whether MRT is the board or not it will still tell the Contract Co what to do, right?
Avri Doria:... did people think ...
Mother in Law:Avri, by "beginning" you mean 1998-1999?
Avri Doria:yeah
Matthew Shears:I don't agree Alan - MRT role is still operator review and potentially operator change, etc.
Mother in Law:We all knew it was making policy, yes.
Brenden Kuerbis:@Avri My understanding is no, it was "purpose built" for IANA functions. But then it assumed naming policy making organ (DNSO)
Mother in Law:That's why we had constituencies reflecting policy interest groups (IP, BC, ISPs, NC, etc)
Avri Doria:ok, i did not know if it had all that at day 0. thanks for the answer.
Mother in Law:right, once ICANN "took over" or integrated itself into defining and supporting the DNSO, it became a policy making organ. And that happened very fast, in Singapore in 1999
Avri Doria:so day 1 not day 0
Alan Greenberg (ALAC):@Mother, and those stakeholders will now be the CC Board.
Mother in Law:Alan, I think you are raising a significant issue - whether MRT is the board or not - but I don't see why it can't be thought through and solved.
Mother in Law:i dont accept the idea that making the board turns it into another ICANN, though, because the mission is so limited and so different
Seun:Thanks and bye
Avri Doria:dont professional board members get paid?
Avri Doria:Well it indicates the need for Budget. and Budget may be larger than symbolic.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2:isn't all of this going to add on costs? First we're told: as slim and small and uninteresting as possible and now we're speaking of having Board members that will be retributed?
Matthew Shears:We should avoid this complexity if posible
Avri Doria:who pays, the IFO?
Martin Boyle, Nominet:I prefer them to be paid and independent that pro bono and with vested interests
Martin Boyle, Nominet:But Avri's question needs to be addressed
Donna Austin, RySG:could they be selected by the NomCom and be done on a volunteer, unpaid basis.
Avri Doria:Donna, sure. Picked by which Nomcom, ICANN's?
Donna Austin, RySG:yes ICANN's NomCom
Sivasubramanian M:he proposed design is that the ContactCo Board REPORTS to the MRT. Reporting to is not the same as being Accountable
Alan Greenberg (ALAC):[5:16:09 PM] Alan Greenberg: @Avri, IFO is only one with money, they pay for everything. Well, directly, Ultimately gTLD registrants will pretty much pay for everything.
Martin Boyle, Nominet:No, but they will need to assess the instructions from MRT, won't they?
Martin Boyle, Nominet:@Alan: cctld registrants do, too
Alan Greenberg (ALAC):@Martin, those who choose...
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2:+1 Martin -- and what about the annual accounts for Contract Co?
Mother in Law:good there be a role for CSC in this?
Martin Boyle, Nominet:should have said enforcing the contract, not policing: sorry
Martin Boyle, Nominet:@Alan: those are the big ones
Mother in Law:Donna if ICANN's Nomcomm picks the MRT there is a conflict of interest and it is not independent of ICANN, no?
Matthew Shears:I would be uncomfortable with the MRT coming via the NomComm
Martin Boyle, Nominet:@Milton: yes, not an independent pool
Martin Boyle, Nominet:@Matthew: fully agree. I'd even be inclined to see all involved in the CWG to be ineligible
Donna Austin, RySG:@Milton--yes I guess it is, but the NomCom is supposed to be independent of ICANN.
Donna Austin, RySG:or is that just independent of the ICANN Board
Alan Greenberg (ALAC):If it had a web site and domain name, it could join the NCSG.
Matthew Shears:outrageous editorial!
Avri Doria:only the other part of civl society
Sivasubramanian M:Does any one has the link to the editorial ? I missed that
Sivasubramanian M:Thank you Mathew
Mother in Law:its ok
Matthew Shears:yes Greg - and legal opinion on combined MRT/Conco option
Mother in Law::-)
Avri Doria:30-60 cm
Cheryl Langdon-Orr 2:Travel safe if you re going into bad weather guys... Thanks All...Bye for now
Grace Abuhamad:Meetings recap here:
Allan MacGillivray:I hope to hear all of you at the RFP3b call tomorrow.
Avri Doria:thuder snow
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2:Wow -- that's going to be pretty severa. Stay safe everyone!
Matthew Shears:thanks Greg! bye all
Avri Doria:thunder snow storm.
Avri Doria:bye
Sivasubramanian M:Thank you Bye
Martin Boyle, Nominet:thanks all
Graeme Bunton:Thanks all
Martin Boyle, Nominet:bye
Brenden Kuerbis:thanks, Bye all
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:bye
Mother in Law:bye.
Martin Boyle, Nominet:and "enjoy" the snow