This is a page to keep track of our work preparing for, and working at, the face to face ICANN meetings.

Document types:

PDF -- these are expandable read-only files that allow navigation of the mind-map -- they must be opened in Adobe Reader 9 or later

MMAP -- these are the editable mind-map files -- can be loaded directly into Mindjet's MindManager product or imported into the open-source Freemind program

HTML -- these are straight text html files that can be read by any web browser

DAKAR - (23-Oct -- 28-Oct 2011)

Here's a mind-map that we're using to organize our thoughts about activities at the Dakar meeting

DSSA - Dakar planning v2.pdf

DSSA - Dakar planning v2.mmap

DSSA - Dakar planning v2.html

Here is the latest version of the "Dakar update" slide deck that we'll be using during the meeting

DSSA Update - Dakar - v1.6.pdf

DSSA Update - Dakar - v1.6.pptx

Here is the deck that we used in our joint meeting with the SSR-RT

DSSA Update - SSR-RT - Dakar - v1.0.pptx

DSSA Update - SSR-RT - Dakar - v1.0.pdf

Dakar meeting "one pager" summary

DSSA - Dakar 1-page handout v3.pdf