The GNSO Standing Selection Committee call will take place on Tuesday, 20 December 2022 at 14:00 UTC for 60 minutes. 

For other places see:


  1. Welcome and SOI Updates
  2. Review of upcoming SSC assignments and selection processes
    1. Fellowship Mentor 
    2. Fellowship Selection Committee member 
  3. AOB



Apologies:  Brian Winterfeldt (IPC)

Alternate: Glen de Saint Géry (IPC)



Audio Recording

Zoom Recording

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar

Notes/ Action Items

Action Item: Staff to share a test poll  for the Fellowship Mentor position for reference.  See:



  1. Welcome and SOI Updates 
  • Arsene Tungali – Just joined the SSC.  This will be reflected in his SOI.
  • Glen de Saint Gery -- Alternate attending for Brian Winterfelt who has a conflict.
  • Additional member from the SSC who joined since the last meeting from the SSC: David Cake.

2. Review of upcoming SSC assignments and selection processes: 

a. Fellowship Mentor Selection: See details on the Wiki at: Fellowship Mentor

SSC Assignment Overview

  • The ICANN Fellowship Program has invited each of ICANN's Supporting Organizations (SOs) and Advisory Committees (ACs) to nominate one individual each (total of 7) to serve in the capacity of mentor for the Fellowship Program to serve for three consecutive ICANN meetings beginning with ICANN78.
  • The GNSO is holding an Expression of Interest process to solicit volunteers for the GNSO-nominated mentor position. The EOI has been announced on the GNSO website and via email to the SG/C leaders. The EOI closes on 21 December 2022. The GNSO Council has tasked the Standing Selection Committee (SSC) with evaluating the candidates and recommending one individual. The GNSO Council will review the SSC's recommendation and make a final decision on the nominee.



  • The aim of the ICANN Fellowship Program is to strengthen the diversity of the multistakeholder model by fostering opportunities for individuals from underserved and underrepresented communities to become active participants in the ICANN community. Fellows are exposed to the workings of the ICANN community, are assigned a mentor, and receive training across different areas of knowledge and skill building before, during, and after an ICANN Public Meeting.
  • The program was launched in 2007 at ICANN29 in San Juan. In 2014, the program expanded considerably, allowing more eligible newcomers and returning fellowship alumni to participate.

In brief, mentors are expected to:

  • Provide advice and guidance
  • Share experience as appropriate
  • Offer encouragement and support
  • Identify resources that will help mentees
  • Encourage mentees to join ICANN community groups based on sector of interest
  • Introduce fellows to community members
  • Set deliverables for mentees during different stages of the program (pre-meeting, during meeting, and post-meeting)
  • Participate in mentor post-meeting evaluation

Tentative Proposed Timeline:

  • 1 December 2022: Launch Fellowship Mentor EOI
  • 21 December 2022: Deadline for Fellowship Mentor EOI
  • 22 December 2022: Open poll for SSC members complete on Fellowship Mentor candidates
  • One day prior to SSC meeting in the first week of January 2023: Close poll for SSC members complete on Fellowship Mentor candidates
  • First week of January 2023: SSC meeting to discuss Fellowship Mentor candidates
  • 9 January 2023: Motion Deadline for January GNSO meeting – placeholder motion possible
  • 18 January 2023: Last day to submit name of recommended candidate
  • 19 January 2023: GNSO Council meeting – Council confirms candidate recommended by SSC
  • 31 January 2023: Deadline for the GNSO to submit name to the Fellowship Program


  • Criteria are outlined in the EoI document, also in the mentoring guidelines.
  • Look for what types of things will be in applications.
  • Three applications so far, all from the NCSG – see the wiki; deadline for applications is tomorrow, Wednesday, 21 December.
  • Question: What if a candidate doesn’t have an SOI? Answer: It’s not a requirement, but desirable because one of the criteria is active involvement in GNSO processes, which generally would require an SOI.

ACTION ITEM: Staff to share a test poll  for the Fellowship Mentor position for reference.  See:

b. Fellowship Selection Committee member selection: See details on the Wiki at: Fellowship Selection Committee member

SSC Assignment Overview

  • The GNSO has been invited by the ICANN Fellowship Program to nominate one individual to serve as member of the Fellowship Selection Committee for six consecutive ICANN meetings beginning with ICANN78. 
  • The GNSO is holding an Expression of Interest process to solicit volunteers for the GNSO-nominated Selection Committee member position. The EOI has been announced on the GNSO website and via email to the SG/C leaders. The EOI closes on 6 January 2023. The GNSO Council has tasked the Standing Selection Committee (SSC) with evaluating the candidates and recommending one individual. The GNSO Council will review the SSC's recommendation and make a final decision on the nominee.
  • Heather Forrest served but had to step down; Sebastien Ducos took up the role – interest was expressed by others so a selection process will be held.
  • There are 7 members and they serve for 2 years; GNSO will have one member.
  • Goal is to find someone who is an active participant in ICANN process and an active participant.


  • The ICANN Fellowship Selection Committee is responsible for evaluating applications for the ICANN Fellowship and selecting Fellowship recipients.
  • Each Supporting Organization/Advisory Committee (SO/AC) is invited to nominate one representative to serve on the ICANN Fellowship Selection Committee, for a total of up to seven individuals.

From the Expression of Interest


ICANN Fellowship Selection Committee members are responsible for evaluating all applications for the ICANN Fellowship using the Applicant Selection Criteria to determine which candidates best meet these criteria.

Skills and Experience

  • Active participant in GNSO structures and policy development processes for at least two years with a track record of engagement. Experience engaging in Cross-Community Working Groups is also desirable.
  • Track record of being an active contributor during ICANN public meetings.
  • Enough experience with specific sector(s) of the ICANN ecosystem including, but not limited to, technical Internet issues; government, academia, commercial or non-commercial issues; I* entities; underserved and/or under-represented communities and/or Internet related development, or other fellowship programs, to be able to evaluate candidates' answers in the ICANN context.

Desired Attributes

  • Member of a GNSO Stakeholder Group and/or Constituency.
  • Willingness and ability to devote the necessary time to this role.

Tentative Proposed Timeline:

  • 9 December 2022: Launch EOI
  • 6 January 2023: Deadline for EOI
  • 9 January 2023: Open poll for SSC members complete on candidates
  • One day prior to SSC meeting in the second half of January 2023: Close poll for SSC members to complete on candidates
  • Second half of January 2023: SSC meeting to discuss Fellowship Mentor candidates
  • 6 February 2023: Motion Deadline for February GNSO meeting – placeholder motion possible
  • 15 February 2023: Last day to submit name of recommended candidate
  • 16 February 2023: GNSO Council meeting – Council confirms candidate recommended by SSC
  • 16 February 2023: GNSO to submit name to the Fellowship Program


  • No candidate applications yet, but there is still time.
  • From Arsene Tungali: “Colleagues, I am thinking of putting up my name for consideration for the mentor role with the fellowship committee. I believe I have to recuse myself from the selection process for this specific role. I thought it appropriate to let everyone know about that during this call and seek guidance from staff on what I need to do now. I think I can still participate in the deliberations for the selection committee, but need clarification for that. Please do let me know.”
  • Note that Arsene’s group, NSCA, will need to appoint an alternate – should do so to the SSC list and the GNSO Secretariat.
  • Arinola also confirmed that she will apply as a mentor candidate and will recuse herself from that selection process.

3. AOB: None.