Reading List/Discussion Documents
Thursday, 15 March 8:30 - 4:45 PM/CET |
Attendees: Alex, Jaap Akkerhuis (Remote Adobe Room) Team: Alain Aina, Boban Krsic, Cathy Handley, Denise Michel, Don Blumenthal, Emily Taylor, Eric Osterweil, Geoff Huston, Jabhera Matogoro, James Gannon, Kerry-Ann Barrett, Mohamad Amid Hasbini, Ram Krishna Pariyar, Zarko Kecic, Guests: Maarten Wullink (SIDN), Maciej Korczynski (DELFT, University of Technology), Bart Gijsen (TNO), Daniel Worm (TNO), Benno Overeinder (NLNET Labs), Observers: Chen Huihui, Laurin Weissinger,Tan Qinling Staff: Alice Jansen, Barb Roseman, Bernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer, Brian Aitchison, Charla Shambley, David Conrad, Eleeza Agopain, Jean Baptiste Deroulez, Jennifer Bryce, Karen Mulberry, Laena Rahim, Larisa Gurnick, Lars Hoffmann, Margie Milam, Negar Farzinnia, Patrick Dodson, Steve Conte, Xavier Calvez Apologies: Recordings: Transcripts: EN Chat transcript: EN |
Start time 8:30 am
Welcome - Margie Milam
Overview Administrative Items - Karen Mulberry
Coffee Break 10:40 am– 11:00 am
Lunch 12:15 pm to 1:15 pm
Coffee Break 3:00 pm – 3:15 pm
· Plan to address the Board Resolution due date 30 March 2017 2.Calendar and Schedule for future meetings
ICANN58 Copenhagen SSR2 Face-to-Face Meeting
The second Security, Stability and Resiliency of the DNS (SSR2) Review team met for the first time at ICANN58 in Copenhagen. The SSR is a “Specific Review” that is mandated by ICANN Bylaws which require a periodic review of ICANN’s execution of its commitment to enhance the operational stability, reliability, resiliency, security, and global interoperability of the systems and processes, both internal and external, that directly affect and/or are affected by the Internet’s system of unique identifiers that ICANN coordinates.