Blank Template

PPTX, 166 KB

POTX, 551 KB

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Blank Template for ICANN 48

PPT, 571 KB

POTX, 363 KB

Message Points

September 2013 Message Points Covering New gTLD Program, Internationalized Domain Names, WHOIS, Policy Development and DNS Security & Stability.

Slide Decks

ICANN & the Internet Ecosystem

中文 (PPTX, 7.4 MB)

English (PPTX, 6 MB) 

Français (PPTX, 2.9 MB)

русский (PPTX, 7.6 MB)

Español (PPTX, 7.3 MB)

What is ICANN?

العربية (PPTX, 7.5 MB)

中文 (PPTX, 7.3 MB)

English (PPTX, 5.4 MB)

Français (PPTX, 1.5 MB)

русский (PPTX, 7.3 MB)

Español (PPTX, 7.6 MB)

What is WHOIS? (Covers what WHOIS is today and the EWG recommendations for replacement)

English (PPTX, 469 KB)

What is the Governmental Advisory Committee?

English (PPTX, 576 KB)

Supporting a Healthy, Stable, Resilient Internet

English (PPTX, 2.7 MB)

L-Root: Expanding Distribution in Africa

English (PPTX, 1.4 MB)

Africa Strategy Update

English (PPTX, 5 MB)

ICANN Fellowship Program Overview

English (PPTX, 3.5 MB)

New gTLD Program Basics

English (PPTX, 1 MB)


New gTLD Program Update (updated Sept 2013)

English (PPTX, 2.1 MB)

Domain Name System/DNSSEC

English (PPTX, 1 MB)

Fostering Multistakeholder Internet Governance Models in the Region

English (PPTX, 6.4 MB) final version

Internet Governance After the 2012 World Conference on International Telecommunication Regulations

English (PPTX, 2.1 MB)