RDS-WHOIS2 Review Team members have signed a Conflict of Interest policy and completed a Statement of Interests form:

NameSigned Conflict of Interest PolicyCompleted Statement of Interests Form
Alan Greenberg(tick)(tick) SoI Form
Carlton Samuels(tick)(tick) SoI Form
Dmitry Belyavsky(tick)(tick) SoI Form
Cathrin Bauer-Bulst(tick)(tick) SoI Form
Lili Sun(tick)(tick) SoI Form
Thomas L. Walden, Jr.(tick)(tick) SoI Form
Erika Mann(tick)(tick) SoI Form
Stephanie Perrin(tick)(tick) SoI Form (Updated - 16 April 2018)
Susan Kawaguchi(tick)(tick) SoI Form
Volker Greimann(tick)(tick) SoI Form
Chris Disspain(tick)(tick) SoI Form

As the Review Team prepares for the data analysis phase, a copy of the Confidential Disclosure Framework (CDF) and the associated Non-Disclosure Agreement were provided, for information only as no need for a signed NDA has been identified yet. 

The CDF is in alignment with ICANN Bylaws[icann.org] Article 4, Section 4.6 (a)(iv)(A): To facilitate transparency and openness regarding ICANN's deliberations and operations, the review teams, or a subset thereof, shall have access to ICANN internal information and documents pursuant to the Confidential Disclosure Framework set forth in the Operating Standards (the "Confidential Disclosure Framework").