1. Roll call and apologies
2. Adoption of agenda
3. San Francisco meeting notes, comments and adoption
4. Notes from interaction with community (all – please share)
5. How are we doing against our action plan? (ET) - discussion
6. The way forward:
- Draft report outline (ET – introduction), discussion and comments
- Questionnaires or issues paper (PN) – discussion and decision
7. Planning for Singapore
- Face to face meeting
- Law enforcement session?
- Other outreach – SO/ACs and others?
8. Update from subteams:
- Consumer trust (SH – update and proposed way forward)
- Policy
- Implementation
9. AOB
Transcript - 6 April
Recording - 6 April
Preliminary Report
Preliminary Report - 6 April
Adopted on 13 April
Adobe Chat Transcript
Chat Transcript - 6 April