This EoI Form contains Profile Sections (A-C) and a separate Application Section (D) for this At-Large Board Member Selection cycle. Please use the <Edit Contents> menu option (above) to complete all form sections and always remember to <Save> your page (see the button at the bottom right) (Note: We recommend that you NOT click the <Save Draft> button because its operation is not intuitive, you may lose your work). If you are unable to complete the entire form in one session, you may return multiple times to complete it using <Edit Contents> and <Save> when finished. To indicate to the Program Admin Staff that you are finished working with the EoI Form, please complete the "Consent and Authorization" area at the bottom and click <Save>. As soon as realistically possible, Program Admin Staff will validate your final submission for completeness and subsequently restrict it from further editing The right column contains data fields which are either free-form text, drop-down selection menus, or numeric. For certain text fields, clicking your mouse in the cell will bring up an Editor offering an extensive menu at the top containing formatting options including: headings, fonts, bullets, paragraph indentation, links, tables, and an insert menu offering even more capabilities (e.g., images, attachments). As a precautionary measure, there are very few embedded links in this EoI Form to prevent being transported out and potentially losing your work. External materials that can be referenced are marked in orange bold text. If you need to consult any of these documents, be sure to <Save> your active page (see the button at the bottom right of this Form) and return to it when convenient. If you are comfortable working in multiple tabs/windows and want to visit any external source while working in this document, be sure to <Right-Click> the link using your mouse (or pointing device) to open it in another tab/window. For your convenience, all documents and materials referenced in this year's application process are contained on these pages: If you have any questions about this process, please send an email to the At-Large Staff. IMPORTANT: - DO NOT change the Page Title (top left) under any circumstances.
- This EoI Form must be completed in English. Please set your browser in the English language setting in order to avoid auto-translation of the EoI Form by your browser to other languages.
- All EoI forms will be closed to further editing effective 23:59 UTC on Friday, 1 November 2019