Date: Thursday, 20 October 2016
Time: 21:00 UTC - 22:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)
Meeting Number: AL.BCEC/CC.1016/1
Action Items: EN
Recording: EN
Transcript: EN
AC Chat Transcript: EN
Dial out Participants: Cheryl Langdon-Orr,
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Ariel Liang, Terri Agnew
Call Management: Terri Agnew
A G E N D A to be updated
Part A - Web Tools Session - For Members and Alternates
1. Welcome and Roll Call
2. Web Tools Training Session (Ken Bour and Ariel Liang)
Part B - BCEC Meeting - For Members
3. Documents for BCEC Approval:
4. Plan for Tools Familiarisation
- During the period Wednesday 19 October 2016 to Friday 18 November 2016, the BCEC has the opportunity to:
- Develop a scoring scheme
- Perform trial candidate evaluations using "sample" EoIs
- Familiarise themselves with all web tools
- Finalise any changes that may be required to web tools
- Exercise all web tools
- Any other activities?
- The BCEC needs to develop a schedule for Tools Familiarisation
5. Plan for Candidate Evaluation
- During the period Friday 18 November 2016 to Thursday 22 December 2016, the BCEC must evaluate all Candidate EoIs and announce the Final Slate of Candidates. To assist planning, the BCEC needs to:
- Develop and agree the detailed process, utilising the web tools, by which the evaluation will be undertaken.
- Develop and agree the schedule of activities and meetings to meet the 22 December deadline.
6. Discuss Regular Meeting Times (again!)
7. Any other business
8. Next Meeting