- BCEC to hold calls on Thursdays by rotating two different times (e.g. pick one time within the 18-21 UTC range, pick another time within the 4-7 UTC range). Terri Agnew/ Gisella Gruber to work with julie.hammer and set up doodle to select the two best rotating times.
- Gisella Gruber to let julie.hammer know about the potential ALAC teleconference in Oct once she has checked with Alan
- julie.hammer to let Tijani BEN JEMAA know that BCEC is generally okay with the timeline; one revision is to remove the line about Candidate references deadline
- julie.hammer to advise the ALAC to reference the Candidate Requirements once they are finalized (BCEC is okay with the current, close to final version, no major revisions)
- julie.hammer to check the Applicability of Expression of Interest Proforma 2014 and correct typos/grammatical errors, etc.
- BCEC agreed to use the wiki tool (similar to that used by the NomCom) to build the application form, making sure referee requirement is clarified and incorporated in the application form