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1. This Trip Assessment form will be automatically associated with its related Proposal; therefore, no duplicate traveler identification information is required.

2. You must be logged in to the Community Wiki with a valid Username and Password in order to complete forms within CROP.

3. Trip Assessment must be complete within three (3) weeks of all travelers having returned from the event, no later than the assessment due date which is automatically calculated based on the trip return date.

4. Multiple travelers are asked to collaborate as a team in pulling together the appropriate information.

5. To fill out the the form, click  (top of the screen).

6. Answer each of the questions that appears within the form. Use the scroll bar (right) to reveal all contents. Click here to read the full instructions

7. Some information fields are 'richtext' so that they can accommodate tables, links, images, attachments, and other formatting capabilities that may be useful in explaining/describing this proposal.

8. CROP forms must be completed in EnglishFor those who do not speak English, all of the pages within this Wiki may be translated using the "Translate" option located at the end of the status line just below the page title. (Disclaimer: These translations are computer-generated and, as such, may not be technically correct in all instances).

9. When you are finished answering the questions, remember to the page (bottom right of the screen).

10. This form may be edited/saved as many times as needed. If you need to amend any information/contents subsequently, you simply click on the appropriate form and then click on the top menu bar. Don’t forget to any changes you make. All prior versions are automatically archived.

11. Once any form has been completed, please notify your Program Coordinator (PC) for further processing. The designated PC is responsible for (a) reviewing each form for completeness, (b) coordinating within the ICANN structure and with the Stakeholder Engagement VPs to determine whether the trip assessment will be approved, and (c) communicating form dispositions to the CROP Administrators (Staff) for further processing.

12. Once any form is fully approved and has received concurrence from the designated Regional VP, Program Administrators (Staff) will mark  in the status section and lock the forms to prevent further changes by you. It will receive continued management, processing, and tracking by Staff.  

13. Have questions? Check out the Frequently Asked Questions page, and reach out to your designated Program Coordinator (PC).  


Link to Trip Proposal
NPOC Trip Proposal 3

Trip Assessment Form

1) Describe the Trip in sufficient detail
that an interested reader could understand if/how
the original purpose(s) and outcome(s) were
realized (please be as expansive as possible):  

2) Describe the details of your attendance
activities at the meeting (including sessions
attended, written or oral contributions made to
specific sessions, etc.):  

3) Explain the specific plans for follow-up activities
to enhance and continue the objectives of the trip for
the community structure through which you were
approved for the trip:
4) Please fill out the date when you have completed this form:

Note: To be completed by a Program Coordinator (PC) designated by this organization/structure.

AcknowledgementsConfirmed?Who Confirmed?Date of ConfirmationNotes
The Trip Assessment information has been gathered and properly entered into this form.
The ICANN Organization / Structure's leadership has authorized the submission of this Trip Assessment.


CROP Trip Assessment Template (June 2018)