The sixth meeting of the GNSO Temp Spec gTLD RD EPDP is scheduled on Tuesday, 21 August 2018 at 13:00 UTC for 2 hours. Please note, will plan for 90 minute discussion with 30 minutes to run over if needed.
06:00 PDT, 09:00 EDT, 15:00 Paris CEST, 18:00 Karachi PKT, 22:00 Tokyo JST, 23:00 Melbourne AEST
For other times:
5.Overview of triage report, including timeline for review 6. Discussion of next steps 7. Confirm action items and questions for ICANN org (if any) 8. Wrap and confirm next meeting to be scheduled for Thursday 23 August at 13.00 UTC. (Initial comments on Triage Report due Friday, 25 August by 19.00 UTC) BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS EPDP Team Meeting 21Aug18v2.pdf EPDP Team - Temp Spec Input Part 4v2.xlsx AUDIO CAST INFORMATION AND VIEW ONLY ADOBE CONNECT FOR ALTERNATES AND OBSERVERS To join the event, click on the link: Listen in browser: Listen in application such as iTunes: View-Only Adobe Connect room for alternates and observers: |
GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar |
Apologies: Amr Elsadr (NCSG), Esteban Lescano (ISPCP) Alternates: Collin Kurre (NCSG) |
Notes/ Action Items Notes and Action Items High-level Notes/Actions:
Questions for ICANN Org from the EPDP Team:
All Action items:
These high-level notes are designed to help the EPDP Team navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki at:
1. Roll Call & SOI Updates
2. Welcome and Updates from EPDP Team Chair
Action item #1: Kurt to follow up with an email outlining the path forward for the F2F meeting.
Triage document
Action item #2: EPDP Team to review the draft triage report and provide any initial feedback by Friday, 24 August at 19:00UTC. 3. Summary of responses to EPDP Input Survey Part 4 - Results for Section 8: Miscellaneous; Appendix C: Data Processing Requirements
4. Substantive Discussion of Temporary Specification: Part 4 of the Survey can be found at [] Section 8: Miscellaneous Appendix C: Data Processing Requirements
Issue Summary: The following questions and issues were raised with respect to Section 8: 1. As Sections 8.2 and 8.3 are relevant to the Temp Spec only, will this language need to be amended or removed in the next iteration? 2. Regarding Section 8.2, should the next iteration reference GNSO processes for any subsequent modifications (or just removed entirely)? 3. Should the text be modified to reflect the relevant relationships, e.g., Joint Controller, Controller, Processor, and relevant flows of registration data, once the EPDP Team discusses these topics? 4. In reference to the referral of GAC advice in Section 8.2, should the language: (1) be modified to include all relevant GAC advice or (2) require further clarification? 5. In reference to Section 8.1, should the text be amended to reflect (a) that third party obligations will not be created outside of what is required for minimum GDPR compliance? (b) the other third-party obligations will arise?
Action item #3 - Staff to send to the mailing list information concerning the PDP that was the basis for the WHOIS Conflicts with Local Law Procedure.
Action item #4 - Thomas and Emily to work on a framework to outlines the controller designations between ICANN and Contracted Parties or EPDP Team review / consideration.
Appendix C - Preamble
The following questions and issues were raised with respect to the preamble of Appendix C: 1. Is this inclusion of language, which is based on but not exactly the same as articles of the GDPR, strictly necessary? 2. Should this language be amended to broadly refer to general data protection principles instead of specific references to the GDPR? 3. Should language be examined using the domain name lifecycle as a reference, i.e., should the EPDP team examine all of the processes at different stages by different parties for collection, updating, publication, access and retention, for both purpose and conformity to the GDPR? 4. Should this language be modified as it currently only references some, but not all, of the bases for processing personal data? 5. Should we replace “...such access will at all times comply with the requirements of the GDPR.” with “...such access will comply with the requirements of the GDPR, as applicable”? 6. Should "EBERO" be a party instead of an activity? 7. Within the table, for Public RDDS/WHOIS field, should the language "performance of a contract" be added as a legal justification for Registrar/Registry/ICANN?
The following questions and issues were raised in reference to Appendix C, Section 1: 1. Should the reference to "obligations to applicable laws and regulation" be deleted in deference to providing certainty and the already existing, WHOIS conflicts with local laws policy? 2. Should the language be amended as it may be misleading since Art.6 of the GDPR is not the only legal basis that can be applied to processing? 3. Is this paragraph describing principles useful as it does not describe specific data handling practices, or their monitoring? 4. Should Section 1 be modified to reference data protection principles more broadly, noting that if the GDPR is updated or amended, the language would need to change?
The following questions and issues were raised in reference to Appendix C, Section 2: 1. Does the term "legitimate interest" require further clarity? 2. Does the clause "except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of Personal Data" need further qualification, as not all data disclosures (e.g., to LEA) are subject to this balancing test? 3. Should the EPDP consider submitting the group's agreed-upon legitimate interests (when agreed) as part of an Article 40 Code of Conduct referral to ensure a greater degree of certainty? 4. Should this language be modified since it only references some, but not all, of the bases for processing personal data? Should the singular reference to children be deleted as it is not possible to tell whether a data subject is a child in current registration data? 5. Does this paragraph add value or should it be deleted? 6. Should the identity of the data controller for WHOIS be identified?
The following issues and questions were raised in reference to Appendix C, Section 3.1: 1. Are all parties included in this section about informing data subjects about processing, e.g., ICANN, data escrow agents, and emergency backend registry operators? 2. Should the text be modified to reflect the relevant relationships, e.g., Joint Controller, Controller, Processor, and relevant flows of registration data, once the EPDP Team discusses these topics? 3. With respect to Section 3.1.2, do the terms "necessary and appropriate" require further clarity? 4. With respect to Section 3.1.5, how is this testing to be achieved? 5. Should Section 1, et.seq. be modified to reference data protection principles more broadly, to address changes in GDPR or introduction of other privacy regimes?
The following issues and questions were raised in reference to Appendix C, Section 3.2 - 3.7: 1. Are all parties included in this section about informing data subjects about processing, e.g., ICANN, data escrow agents, and emergency backend registry operators? 2. Should the text be modified to reflect the relevant relationships, e.g., Joint Controller, Controller, Processor, and relevant flows of registration data, once the EPDP Team discusses these topics? 3. In reference to Section 3.7, does the language require more detail in terms of how privacy-by-design should be implemented?
The following issues and questions were raised in reference to Appendix C, Section 3.8 - 3.11: 1. Are all parties included in this section about informing data subjects about processing, e.g., ICANN, data escrow agents, and emergency backend registry operators? 2. Should the text be modified to reflect the relevant relationships, e.g., Joint Controller, Controller, Processor, and relevant flows of registration data, once the EPDP Team discusses these topics? 3. Should the EPDP Team further discuss the requirements for security measures to ensure the measures fit the sensitivity of the data? 4. In reference to Section 3.8, should the term "natural persons" be changed to "data subjects"? 4. Should the specific examples in Sec. 3.8.1-3.8.8 be deleted as: (1) they are not mandatory, and (2) they are overly specific and may become outdated? 5. In reference to Section 3.9, is further detail needed with respect to the roles of ICANN, the registrar, the reseller, and/or other data processors as well as the GDRP-mandated 72 notice in the event of a breach? 6. In reference to Section 3.10, does the term "international organizations" require further clarity?
Other Comments
5. Overview of triage report, including timeline for review
6. Discussion of next steps
Homework for next meeting
7. Confirm action items and questions for ICANN org (if any)
8. Wrap and confirm next meeting to be scheduled for Thursday 23 August at 13.00 UTC. (Initial comments on Triage Report due Friday, 25 August by 19.00 UTC) |