APRALO Elections 2011 at a Glance

Positions to be filled

As an integral part of ICANN's At-Large infrastructure, the membership of APRALO must hold a number of elections in 2011.  The positions up for election at present follow.


Current status

APRALO Chairperson
For both interim term of 14 May 2011 through 30 June 2011 and official term of 01 July 2011 through 30 June 2013

This position was held by Prof. Hong Xue until 30 March 2011.  Since then, Vice-Chairpersons Fouad Bajwa and Charles Mok have taken on the Co-Chairperson responsibilities until a new Chairperson is seated.

APRALO Vice-Chairperson
For official term:  01 July 2011 through 30 June 2013

APRALO currently has two Vice-Chairpersons, Charles Mok and Fouad Bajwa. The election will be for the Vice-Chairperson position currently held by Charles Mok.

APRALO Secretariat 
For official term:  01 July 2011 through 30 June 2013

This position is currently held by ISOC Hong Kong.

Suggested election timeline

The APRALO instruments do not contain specific provisions governing the election process. Therefore, for the elections of the three positions listed above, it is suggested that the following timeline be adopted.  The dates refer to UTC time.

6 April 2011 -- At-Large Staff will announce elections and call for nominations

6-29 April 2011 – Nomination period (nominations accepted for approximately four weeks)

6 May 2011 -- Deadline for nomination acceptances (nominees must accept nominations no later than seven days after the nomination period ends on 29 April 2011)

9-13 May 2011 -- Elections (elections begin no later than one week after the deadline for nomination acceptances and end no later than two weeks after that deadline)

14 May 2011 -- New APRALO Chairperson seated (term: 14 May 2011 through 30 June 2013)

1 July 2011 -- New APRALO Vice-Chairperson and Secretariat seated (term: 1 July 2011 through 30 June 2013)

Please note: APRALO is free to adopt a different process and/or timetable.

Election of APRALO Chairperson

Nominations for
APRALO Chairperson        

Nominated by List ALS

Seconded by

Date nominee

Charles Mok -

ISOC-AU (by Cheryl Langdon-Orr,
(26 April 2011)


28 April 2011

Sivasubraminan Muthuswamy - 
ISOC-India Chennai

(29 April 2011)


29 April 2011 (self-nominations
assumed to be accepted)

Description of position

According to paragraph 5.1 of the APRALO Operating Principles:  The Chairperson shall be selected for a period of two years and shall act as Chairperson at all APRALO Meetings and shall represent the APRALO in its dealings with outside entities.

Statments by candidates for APRALO Chairperson

The candidates were given the option of submitting 100-word statements, to be posted on this wiki page, by Wednesday, 11 May, at 13:00 UTC.  The submission of a statement was optional.

Statement submitted by Charles Mok

No statement was submitted by Charles Mok.

Statement submitted by Sivasubraminan Muthuswamy

I am the owner / CEO of Isolated Network http://isolatednetwork.com , a company which is presently offering Web Design, Hosting and IT Services. I serve as the President of ISOC India Chennai http://isocindiachennai.in which is an at-Large Structure. I am part of the ICANN community and have taken part in various ICANN working groups and have served for a brief period as the ALAC IDN Liaison. I am also a member of the Internet Governance Caucus and take part in the Intertnet Governance Forum. I wish to serve as the Chair of Asia Pacific Regional At Large Orgnaization to lead APRALO to expand and become strong as a Regional At Large Organization with a greater focus on user's concerns. 

Election of APRALO Vice-Chairperson

Nominations for
APRALO Vice-Chairperson

Nominated by

Seconded by

Date nominee

Holly Raiche - ISOC-AU

ISOC-HK (by Charles Mok, 29 April 2011)


30 April 2011





Description of position

According to paragraph 5.2 of the APRALO Operating Principles:  The Vice-Chairperson shall be selected for a period of two years from the first annual general meeting and shall assist and deputize for the Chairperson in the latter’s absence. 

Election of APRALO Secretariat

APRALO leadership may, if it wishes, appoint a Secretariat.  Traditionally, APRALO has used this election format to select is Secretariat, but that is not necessary.

Nominations for
APRALO Secretariat

Nominated by

Seconded by

Date nominee


Self-nominated (by Edmon Chung, 29 April 2011)


30 April 2011 (by Pavan Budhrani)





Description of position

According to paragraph 5.5 of the APRALO Operating Principles:  The Secretariat shall be responsible for recording meetings and performing administration functions.