Meeting Number: AL.AP/CC.0411/1
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Adobe Connect Room:
Summary Minutes: APRALO Summary Minutes 26.04.2011
Action Items: APRALO Action Items 26.04.2011
Audio Stream: EN Full
Chat: APRALO Chat 26.04.11
1. Roll Call (Staff, 2 minutes)
2. Review of Action Items from the 15 March 2011 call (Charles, 5 min)
3. APRALO elections and announcements (Charles, 10 min)
⁃ APRALO Chair election
- APRALO Secretariat election
4. Regional Policy Work (Charles, 10 min)
- Joint ALAC/GNSO RAA Drafting Team
- ALAC Statement to the ICANN Board on the RAA Negotiations - April 2011
- Joint ALAC GNSO WG and At-Large Workspace on RAA Related
-Geographic Regions WG
5. APRALO Showcase in Singapore (10 min)
- Formation of Showcase WG and first meeting (Charles, Pavan)
- Keynote speaker ideas (Charles, Edmon, Cheryl)
- Article: Singapore Holds First Cyber Security Awareness Day
- APRALO Singapore Showcase Working Group
- Proposed Showcase to-do list and deadlines
6. Reports and updates (Charles, Pavan, 5 min)
- Chair's report (Cheryl)
- Updates from the ALAC members and liaisons (Edmon, Vivek, James)
- ALS applications: NetMission Asia and Internet Society Kolkata Chapter (Seth)
7. ExCom request for feedback re APRALO’s communications needs by May 6 (Seth, 5 min)
- What, if anything, are RALO’s communications needs?
- Would RALO like to collaborate on these needs directly with ICANN Communications?
10. Confluence update & guide (Seth, 5 min)
- See Confluence Wiki Guide, 8 March 2011
APRALO ALS wikis (and AC Room)
7. AOB (Charles, 5 min)