Date: Thursday, 12 December 2024
Time: 06:00 - 07:00 UTC (for the time in various time zones click here)
***ZOOM ONLY!***
Zoom room: Password: APRA12DEC*
Action Items: EN
Zoom Recording: EN
Chat: EN
Participants: (to be updated)
EN: Amrita Choudhury, Ali AlMeshal, Bikram Shrestha, Rida Ashfaq, Au Yi Teng, Aris Ignacio, Shita Laksmi, Charles Mok, Barkha Manral, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Socheata Sokhachan, Satish Babu, Winifred Kula, Dr Muhammad Shabbir, Nabeel Yasin, Justine Chew,
Apologies: Faheem Soomro, Suhaidi Hassan, Athena Foo (staff), Gopal Tadepalli
Staff: Gisella Gruber, Yeşim Sağlam
Call Management: Yeşim Sağlam
- Roll call & General housekeeping - Staff (3 mins)
- Welcome and agenda adoption - Amrita Choudhury (2 mins)
- RALO Matters - Amrita Choudhury (10 mins)
- Membership update (2 mins)
- Adoption of APRALO FY2024 Annual Report (6 mins)
- APRALO Comment on the Proposed Internet Coordination Policy 2 (ICP-2) Version 2 Principles (2 mins)
- Brief Overview of CIP-CCG Call for Public Comments - Pranav Tiwari (7 mins + 8 mins Q&A)
- Brief Overview of Approach to Next Round & Applicant Support Program - Justine Chew (5 mins)
- Meet our ICANN81 Fellows & NextGen as they share what they plan to do next - Led by Aris Ignacio (20 mins)
- Rida Ashfaq - National University of Sciences & Technology
- Vannakrothchanthyda Soth - Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia
- Yug Desai - South Asian University, New Delhi
- Sana Nisar - Pakistan
- Socheata Sokhachan - Cambodia
- Winifred Kula - Papua New Guinea
7. AOB (5 mins)
- IGF2024
- Next call