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NEW Meeting ID:  993 5440 8773

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Meeting Date/Time: Thursday, 26 August 2021 @ 1900 UTC [time converter] 

Proposed Draft Agenda

  1. Roll Call + SOI Updates  (2 min)
  2. Review implementation steps remaining for NomComRIWG  (10 min)
  3. Review Draft metrics for assessing trainings (related to Recs, 2, 3, and 4) for RIWG consideration (see attached) (10 min)
  4. Discuss Standing Committee decision-making process to inform final round of revisions to Standing Committee charter (30 min)
  5. AOB (5mins)
  6. Next Steps (2mins)
  7. Adjourn

Action Items: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/CgnLBg

SOI blank form: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/EQjLBg

Standard Rules of Behavior: https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/expected-standards-2016-06-28-en

Attendees: Arinola Akinyemi, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Michael Graham, Remmy Nweke, Tom Barrett, Tracy F. Hackshaw, Vanda Scartezini 

ICANN Org: Betsy Andrews,Jia-Juh Kimoto, Kristy Buckley, Larisa Gurnick, Sam Eisner, Teresa Elias, Yvette Guigneaux

Apologies: Dave Kissoondoyal 

Zoom Audio Replay:  HERE

Zoom Video Replay:  HERE  (1:00:09)

  • Recordings Password: $2r*7*imtR

Meeting Transcript:  EN

Chat Transcript:  EN


Plenary Call Report 

Decisions Reached: NA

Action Items:

  • Agreed evaluation metrics document (facilitated NomComRIWG & ICANN Org)
  • Draft RIWG candidate pool metrics (facilitated by ICANN Org)
  • Summarize SC actions/roles from implementation steps to cross-reference with the final draft SC charter (facilitated by NomComRIWG & ICANN Org)
  • Draft SC charter decision-making process (facilitated by ICANN Org)
  • Agree to invite GNSO SG/C reps to Sept 9th RIWG meeting. ICANN org to revive Rec 10 proposal slides to orient GNSO for meeting on the 9th of Sept. (facilitated by ICANN Org)
  • ICANN org to work with Policy Support staff to determine a time for this meeting.  (facilitated by ICANN Org)

New to Zoom?  Check out this blog - Transitioning ICANN's Remote Participation Platform to Zoom