Reference | Date | Action item | Status |
21-02 | 17 September 2024 | Elizabeth to provide summary of the review team's learnings and incidental findings from the contract. | |
20-02 | 3 September 2024 | Co-chairs to coordinate formal request to allow Rick and Jonathan present to registry stakeholder groups. Peter to identify presenter from ccTLD group. | In progress. Peter is checking the possibility of scheduling with the ccNSO secretariat. |
07-01 | 4 March 2024 | As follow up from the 6 March CSC briefing: Co-chairs to consider formally asking the CSC liaison if there is anything they would like to bring to the attention of the IFR2. | Ongoing - On hold for future consideration, once the IFR2 gets to a place in its work where it feels it can phrase the question most meaningfully. |
3. Discuss CSC Reports (see CSC Reports tab in the workbook [])
4. Discuss the outstanding Task List [].
5. Agree next steps: