_Back to [Help]._ h3. Introduction > While in [advanced mode], you will see a lot of funny punctuation. Usually, you can switch to [simple mode] and keep editing. Otherwise, you can use the *toolbar* to take care of basic formatting. >> http:base/images/docs/Edit-Toolbar.png > Alternatively, you can learn more by reading the [Edit tips|http:index.cgi?action=refcard], which is available just above the toolbar. >> http:base/images/docs/Edit-Edit_tips.png > However, there are some functionality not available from the toolbar or not described in the Edit tips. This page outlines those features. h3. Linking > To *make a link* to another page in this workspace, put {{[square brackets]}} around a word or phrase. You can make a link to a page that you wish to create. When you click on the link, the page will be created. > To *make a link to an attachment* on a page, e.g. proposal.pdf, type {{{}}file: proposal.pdf{{}}}. >> To make a link to *an attachment on another page*, type {{{}}file: {{[page name]}} proposal.pdf{{}}}. To make a link to *an attachment on a page in another workspace*, type {{{}}file: workspacename {{[page name]}} proposal.pdf{{}}}. > To *include an image* on a page, upload it on the Attachments tab, then link as {{{}}image: photo.jpg{{}}}. > To *include an image from another page*, type {{{}}image: {{[page name]}} photo.jpg{{}}}. > To *include an image from another workspace*, type {{{}}image: workspacename {{[page name]}} photo.jpg{{}}}. > To *link to a page in another workspace*, type {{{}}link: workspacename {{[page name]}}{{}}}. > To *make a link to a weblog* in a workspace, e.g. Socialtext Weblog, type {{{}}weblog: Socialtext Weblog{{}}}. >> To make a link to *a weblog in another workspace*, type {{{weblog: workspacename; Socialtext Weblog}}}. > To *make a link to a category* in a workspace, e.g. Meeting Notes, type {{{}}category: Meeting Notes{{}}}. > To *make a link to a category in another workspace*, type {{{category: workspacename; Meeting Notes}}}. h3. Pre-formatted text > To mark a block of text as *pre-formatted* so it appears without formatting characters being interpreted, use .pre .pre This text is preformatted: Subtotal of Items: $252.72 Shipping & Handling: 14.45 ------- Total for this Order: $267.17 .pre .pre > To keep text from being formatted in the middle of a line, use double braces: .pre {{*this text is not bold*}} .pre > To mark a block of text to *display as HTML*, use .pre {html} <a href="http://www.socialtext.com">Socialtext</a> {html} .pre h3. Tables > To make a table, use the vertical bar ("|") character to mark cells: .pre | Language | *1* | *2* | | English | one | two | | Deutsch | eins | zwei | .pre | Language | *1* | *2* | | English | one | two | | Deutsch | eins | zwei | You can include formatting (*bold*, _italic_) and links inside table cells. _Back to [Help]._ |