The meeting was held on 25 July 2023 at 20:00 UTC for 60 minutes (local time).


  1. Welcome + SOI Update
  2. IRT Information & Status
  3. Topic 2 | Predictability
    1. Predictability Framework Flowcharts
      1. Change Initiation
      2. Change Execution
    2. Discussion
  4. Topic 10 | Applicant Freedom of Expression
    1. Proposed Policy Language
    2. Discussion
  5. Upcoming IRT Meetings
  6. AOB


  • Members to:
    • Update/create SOIs
    • Review Predictability Flowcharts and Freedom of Expression draft AGB language
  • Org to:
    • Update invitation for the next IRT meeting
    • Circulate updated version of the Predictability Framework