The call for the Review of all Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) Sub Team for Trademark Claims is scheduled for Friday, 12 May 2017 at 16:00UTC for 60 minute duration.

09:00 PDT, 12:00 EDT, 17:00 London 18:00 CET

For other times:[]



1. Go over the questions in the updated table and start to determine what data is required to answer each one of them

2. Continue review of the updated workplan[], and propose time required for the Working Group to answer the questions

3. Discuss whether the Sub Team should make a request to the broader Working Group on conducting a preliminary analysis of any data collected to answer the Charter questions



  1. Original and Updated Trademark Claims Charter Questions
  2. Revised Charter Questions (following the Sub Team call of 28 April) and Updated Trademark Claims Charter Questions

Google Doc used during call: 

Apology: Scott Austin, Justine Chew, Rebecca Tushnet


Adobe Connect Recording

AC Chat



Action Items:

1. Staff to assist in identifying available data, which may helpful in answering Charter questions, as well as data that may be missing and required.

2. Staff to change wording of question 4 to: If the Review of all RPMs in all gTLDs PDP determines that non-exact matches of trademarks should be allowed inclusion in the TMCH, should the TM Claims Notice be changed, and if so, how?

3. Sub Team members may propose changes to the reworded question 4. Any proposed changes to this should be submitted before Tuesday, 16 May.

4. Staff to identify data already available in the Analysis Group revised report (including what the sources of the data were, as well as what purposes the Analysis Group studied the data), in order for the Sub Team to be able to identify what further data (and sources) might be needed

5. Sub Team to go through the updated list of questions to identify what data would be helpful/important in answering those questions, identify what data is already available and identify possible sources of data

6. Deadline for the Sub Team to sign off on final updated questions is Wednesday, 17 May

7. Staff to separate questions in Google Doc table, so that associated data to each question can be easily identifiable
