NARALO Monthly Teleconference 

Date: Monday, 14 October 2013

Time: 19:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)

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Apologies: Seith Reiss

Staff:  Heidi Ullrich,  Silvia Vivanco,Matt Ashtiani, Nathalie Peregrine

Call management: Nathalie Peregrine

Summary Minutes:    Summary Minutes 14 October 2013

Action Items: Action Items 14 October 2013NARALO Action Items 2013.10.14

Transcript: EN 

Chat: AC Chat transcript 14 October 2013  

Recording: EN  


1. Welcome and Roll call - Staff (2 min)

2. Review of Action Items of call July 2012  - Darlene Thompson  (2 min)

2.1 NARALO Monthly call 2013.08.12 - Focus on ROP Changes

2.2 NARALO Monthly Report

2.3 NARALO call time will observe DST until its end Sunday 3 November 2013 (See 12.2 for details)

2.4 Staff: On a March 18 2013 ALAC briefing call on RAA changes staff (Margie Milam and Sam Eisner) were asked to identify ICANN's economic advisers and provide the economic study document that was the basis for changes to RAA 3.3.6 and 3.3.7, Will At-Large staff please forward this request again? (This is the six call for this information)

2.5 Note: Standard agenda items 3 & 6 have been combined in a "Meetings" super topic #3

2.6 Staff: Please provide for future Election instructions en Français and en Espanol

2.7 Staff: Please provide for future Elections a TEST Vote on a Null item to ensure all ALSes have access and functionality. Too many ALSes have reported problems receiving the ballots.The ROP vote will serve as a test vote for the run-off vote

2.8 Staff: Please advise on the status of Translation of the ICANN News Alert in Spanish and in French (Also items 10.2.1 - 10.2.3)

2.9 Staff: 10.3.3 On tracking travel-related reimbursement, we need a better tracking system with full-disclosure. Conversations via Skype, etc, can't be tracked.

2.10 Staff: Please advise on the status of Indigenous Peoples Fellowship Access in North America

2.11. Staff can confirm that the NARALO Operating Principles vote was quorate and has passed

2.12 Staff and members Run-off election will commence following this call

3. Meetings & Events (5 Minutes)

3.1 ATLAS II Timeline

3.1.2 The Summit will be at ICANN50 London, England 22-26 June 2014 (Was 6.1 )

3.1.3 ATLAS 2: A call for volunteers to work in a WG that is being assembled

3.1.4 At-Large Summit II Working Group (ATLAS II)

3.1.5 When is next WG Call?

3.2  NARALO GA - Los Angeles (Was 6.2)

3.3 ICANN48 Buenos Ares Argentina

3.3.1 NARALO Meeting BA

3.4 Canadian Internet Forum sponsored by CIRA on Sept 16th in Montreal (Evan, Louis, and Glenn)

3.5 IETF  in Vancouver November 3-8, 2013 (Glenn, Carlos Reyes)

3.6 ICANN 49 Singapore, Singapore 


4.  Review of Communication/Outreach Strategy

4.1. Request from Chair: ALL NARALO Members, Please make a list of 10 potential NARALO ALSes to recruit in YOUR community (this could be local to you or organizations similar in nature - don't worry about possible overlap with other members!). Send me, if available, Organization name, business addresses, website, contact name, contact email.

4.2 Welcome Kerry Brown of ISOC CA

4.3 Canadian Recruiting Opportunities as noted in 3.4 and 3.5

4.4  Oureach Webenar Monday 23rd September 1400-1530 UTC 

4.5 ICANN budgets Community Outreach Travel Pilot Program

5. Our Community (10 Minutes)

 5.1 A discussion lead by Garth B. and Tom L. on reserving the strings "At-Large" and "AtLarge" within all new gTLDs. The purpose is to keep these names available for At-Large activities within new communities which emerge from within the new gTLDs. Because of At-Large's unique role in the ICANN community this is on opportunity for us to stake a claim in the namespace an promote our work. Should bring this to the attention of other regions. This will also prevent cyberquatters from holding our chartered identity and potentially misusing it. THANKS to Tom for bringing this to the Chair's attention.

5.1.1 Referenced in Module 2 of the applicant guidebook

5.1.2 RFC 6761 Special-Use Domain Names



5.2 By invitation NARALO Chair Garth Bruen attended a LACRALO teleconference 

5.3 Changes to NARALO Operating Procedures (Proposed, for discussion and consensus). See NARALO ROPs WIKI

5.3.1: #7 Removal of the phrase "as long as they fulfill the language requirements" and expansion from "person" to "persons".

5.3..2: #9: Addition of "ALAC Rules of Procedure" to the list /guiding documents for NARALO officers

5.3..3: #11: Changes the requirement for candidacy from "Statement of Interest" submission to "nomination"

5.3..4: #12: Change of language to match change in #11

5.3..5: #13: Dealing with problematic elections (as in no consensus or ties for ALAC elections)

5.3..6: #15: Change "ALSes" to "General Assembly"

5.3..7: #16: Change "vote" to "participation"

5.3..8: #17: (A)Unaffiliated NARALO members Must Submit an Affirmation to At-Large Staff. (B) Failure to meet criteria terminates membership. (C) The unaffiliated individuals will adopt a verifiable process to ensure that their elected representative can reflect the views held among their membership with his/her vote.

5.3..9: #18: Participation to NARALO affairs and discussions implies agreement with the NARALO Code of Conduct.

5.3..10: #19: In the case of a tie in any election for Chair or Secretariat, the decision of who is declared winner will rest on a secret ballot of three people. Those three persons will be selected, from the current occupants of the following positions, in order, excluding any people who are among the tied candidates: the three current ALAC members, the NARALO Chair, the NARALO Secretariat (or representative thereof if the position is filled by more than one person or an organization). Should there not be three persons who meets these requirements, the selection shall be by random choice overseen by At-Large Staff.

5.3..11: #20: All consensus decisions and votes of the General Assembly members shall weight all members equally.

5.3..12: #21: Where these Operating Principles may conflict with the NARALO Rules of Procedure for Meetings or the Memorandum of Understanding with ICANN, these Operating Principles shall prevail.

5.4 No Votes and Abstentions - You chance to let yourself be heard 

5.5 Runoff vote for secretariat to commence today after this call 

5.6 Eric Brunner-Williams to Provide analysis of Active and Non-Active ALSes

6. New gTLDs

6.1 Reserving "AtLarge" and "At-Large"

7. Committee/Working Group Activity - for All WG/Committee Reports

8.1 NOMCOM - Report supplied to list (Glenn) - Soon to be supplied by Louis

8.1.1 2013 Selections

8.2 A Call for ICANN to Embrace its Inner Regulator (Evan)

8.3 ATRT2 Status (Alan)

8.3.1 12 September Teleconference

8.3.2 19 September - Meeting in Washington D.C.

8.4  FBSC Wednesday 11th September

8.5 IGO INGO PDP Wednesday 11th September

8.6 IRTP D Monday 9th September

8.7 TTF Monday 9th September

8.8 Registrant Rights and Responsibilities (Comment by Gordon)



8.4 Going forward, the Chair will request all NARALO working group leaders provide updates to the Monthly Reports (Garth)


9. At-Large Advisory Committee "ALAC" Issues (Olivier, Evan, Eduardo, Alan - 10 Minutes)

9.1 Call for Volunteers about the newly formed GNSO Metrics and Reporting Working Group

9.2 ALAC Statement on the Community Priority Evaluation (CPE) Guidelines Update from ICANN (Vote complete)

9.3 ALAC Statement on the Explore the Draft Next Generation gTLD Directory Services Model (Vote complete)

9.4 Policy Advice Development Page

9.5 Board-Stakeholder Action List

9.6 Policy Advice Development Page

9.7 Board-Stakeholder Action List

10. ICANN Functions (5 Minutes) (Communication Strategy III.5)

10.1 Compliance Tracking

10.1.1 ICANN CEO Has indicated he lacks authority to respond to or investigate compliance issues

10.2 Language and Translation

10.2.1: An abstract of the Naralo Monthly Meeting that we could post on our Web site (or RSS it), including some of the documents produced by ICANN, that we discuss and that would be worth translating to attract attention toward NARALO.

10.2.2: Translate RAA and legal documents related to the RAA into French and Spanish

10.2.3: Translations of Registrar/Registry documents in local languages(where the company operates) to avoid consumer disputes.

10.3 Travel

10.3.1 All travel-sponsor related issues should be reported or copied to the Chair.

10.3.2 Travel Support Guidelines

11.  Any Other Business "AOB" (2 Minutes)

11.1 The Great Internet Land Grab (thanks Dev)

12. Action Items

12.1. Going forward, let's list previous action items and not have a separate page - Staff: please list ALL additional action items from THIS call bellow this entry. And then list the same action items at the top of the NEXT meeting agenda.

12.2 Daylight Savings Time Details: Per previous vote these calls ALWAYS occur at 3PM EST REGARDLESS of Daylight Savings Time until otherwise noted. Explanation: Daylight Savings Time (DST) is a program which moves the official hour ahead by one during the summer to preserve more daylight in the evening. DST is not universally or equally observed. DST changes have occasionally caused confusion for  NARALO call times. For us this means specifically, we will be observing DST. The time of our call will remain 3:00PM EDT and 12:00PM PDT, but the UTC time of the call will change from 2000hrs to 1900hrs as of March until the end of DST.

6. The At-Large Summit & NA GA 6 to be retired in next call

12.3 Closed action items from previous call:

2.6 All Durban NARALO Participants Please Add Meeting Briefs to the At-Large Reports

2.7 Eric Brunner-Williams to Provide analysis of Active and Non-Active ALSes

2.11 Run-off election for NARALO Secretariat will be held once the Operating Procedures are ratified.