OC call 24 May

OC Call  

Roundtable- Monday 12 June - 10:45- 12:15 (90 minutes) will have 2 topics. Each topic with 4 or 5 speakers.

Topic 1: "Government activity to expand Broadband (both in the US and Canada)".

Proposed Speakers

  1. Andre Arbour, Director General ISED – Canada (REMOTE) 
  2. Harold Feld – USA (confirmed) 
  3. Grace Abuhamad, NTIA- USA


Topic 2:  “Challenges and Opportunities for the Internet : the end user perspective”.

  1. Ben Tarnoff
  2. Cory Doctorow
  3. Michael Geist
  4. Mark Shurman (Mozilla CEO)
  5. Avri Doria (ICANN Board) 

ACTION ITEMS related to Booth and social media

Siranush Vardanyan – shared the sign up sheet with all,


NARALO monthly meeting Tuesday 13 June, 9:00 – 10:15 (75 mins)  Townhall format

OC Call - 10- 05- 2023 

Topic 1:  Government activity to expand Broadband (both in the US and Canada) was confirmed. 

Topic 2 : Change the title  "what's wrong with internet"

Suggestions for topic 2 : 

"Challenges and Opportunities for the Internet," "Navigating the Complexities of the Internet," "Shaping the Internet for Tomorrow: Building a Better Web for All, "Navigating the complexities of Internet"

OC Call 05- 03-2023 

Several topics for the Roundtable were discussed : DNS, IDNs , UA, developments from the USA and Canadian perspectives?, IDNs for franco-phone, Spanish and Indigenous perspectives

Privacy vs security, Artificial intelligence, DNS Abuse, Government activity to expand Broadband (both in the US and Canada)

The following 2 main topics were tentatively decided: 

Topic 1:  Government activity to expand Broadband (both in the US and Canada)

Topic 2:  What's wrong with the internet 

and fallback topic : IDNs for franco-phone, Spanish and Indigenous perspectives (back up topic)AI: Judith to contact speakers for the topic Government activity to expand Broadband (both in the US and Canada)


Summary of today’s discussion

Roundtable Topics

Glenn's suggestions:

Topics for discussion

- IDN in North American

- Indigenous Americans

- Hispanic Americans etc

-French - Louis Houle

A Canadian theme is Bill C-11: An Act to amend the Broadcasting

Greg's suggestions:

Comparing and contrasting activities in Canada and USA

Are indigenous activities inspiring among indigenous Americans?

Other populations in the US interested in IDNs?- Ex: Spanish speaking communities, empowerment of end users

DNS Abuse

Section 230 of X Communications decency Act

Naela's suggestions:

Updated on NA space session will be focused on UA, shifting a bit, UA as a form of accessibility and inclusion

Staff Logistics update:

NARALO Monthly meeting: - Naralo will have a public, external facing meeting. Title - NARALO monthly meeting and Townhall

Agenda will include :

1. Follow-up on GA

2. Update by Denise on O and E

3. Update on Social media campaign

4. Update on membership

5. Leon

6. Looking toward FY24

Outreach activities