Become a NARALO At-Large Structure (ALS)

Become a NARALO Individual Member

To become an NARALO individual member (also called 'unaffiliated member'), you must meet the following criteria:   

To apply, send your Statement of Interest (SOI) to Your candidature will be evaluated by the NARALO leadership team and the At-Large Staff will inform you about your membership application status.

For a complete list of NARALO ALSes click here:

Unaffiliated MembersClick here to view the page

ALS Name

Colegio de Ingerieros y Agrimensores de Puerto Rico

Alternatives, Inc.

At-Large North American Graduate Students (NAGS)

Canadian Association for Open Source (CLUE)

Consumers Council of Canada
Capital Area Globetrotters

Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial E-mail (CAUCE North America)


Consumer Reports WebWatch Inc.

Foundation For Building Sustainable Communities

Greater Toronto Area Linux User Group

Greater Washington DC Chapter of Internet Society
Hispanic Educational Technology Services (HETS)
Nova Scotia Community Access Program

ISOC Colorado

ISOC Greater Washington DC



ISOC Quebec

Internet Society Canada Chapter

Native Public Media

Pacific Community Networks Association

San Francisco Bay ISOC

Telecommunities Canada

The Intellectual Property & Technology Section of the Hawaii State Bar Association